James Noble
Nacimiento : 1922-03-05, Dallas, Texas, USA
Muerte : 2016-03-28
The son of a Dallas wholesale coal dealer, Noble spent much of his youth attending pool halls and movie houses. He retained his expertise with a pool cue throughout his life, while his stronger interest in acting (fueled by movies) manifested itself in local stage productions and drama studies at Southern Methodist University. Following Navy service in World War II, Noble went to New York to study at the Actors Studio, then went on to a stage revival of Pygmalion wherein he met his future wife, actress Carolyn Coates. The actor appeared on such TV soap operas as As the World Turns (1956), A World Apart (1970) and such Broadway productions as "1776" (a role he took to the movie 1776 (1972)), spending much of his spare time in psychotherapy to handle his ongoing feelings of self-doubt. In films from the mid '70s, Noble principally played small roles as authority figures and politicians (Being There (1979), The Nude Bomb (1980)), with occasional larger roles. such as Bo Derek's father in 10 (1979). In 1979, Noble was cast as the genially absent-minded "Governor Gene Gatling" on the sitcom, Benson (1979), a role in which he remained until the series' 1986 cancellation. Two years later, he resurfaced on TV in the role of a Nebraska-based recording engineer on the very short-lived sitcom, First Impressions (1988).
Mssr. Rousseau
Daniel Jakor is one of the most prolific and successful artists the world has never heard of. Struggling to sell his own art, he soon finds his true genius lies not in the creation of his own work but in the forgery of the great masters that have come before him- artists like Picasso, Monet, Degas and Renoir. And with the help of a Tay Murphy, corrupt gallery owner in Boston, Daniel soon learns the intricacies of the art world as he becomes a true master himself. But Tay's life is spiraling out of control and his personal demons have brought him to the edge where he hangs on by a thread. Indebted to the mob for more than he can possibly pay back, Tay gets Daniel roped into working for Seamus White, the head of the Irish "family" in New England and an avid art collector. As Seamus's schemes become bolder and bolder, not only pushing the boundaries of Daniel's ability but the limits of forgery itself...
Rooftop Dealer
A young woman in L.A. is having a bad day: she's evicted, an audition ends with a producer furious she won't trade sex for the part, and a policeman nabs her for something she didn't do, demanding fellatio to release her. She snaps, grabs his gun, takes his uniform, and leaves him cuffed to a tree where he's soon having a defenseless chat with a homeless man. She takes off on the cop's motorcycle and, for an afternoon, experiences a cop's life. She talks a young man out of suicide and then is plunged into violence after a friendly encounter with two "vatos." She is torn between self-protection and others' expectations. Is there any resolution for her torrent of feelings?
Roxanne (known as Roxy) is a star performer in her local soccer team. Her natural talent is noticed by local team owner Victor Grace who signs her up. However it's not so easy being the only female professional soccer star in the country.
Mr. Hyrum Lodge
The classic comic book characters created by John L. Goldwater are brought to tv in a slightly older version. Here the characters are adults returning to their high school reunion and remembering old times and romances from good old Riverdale High
Dr. Bailey
Louie y Corinne Jeffries forman un matrimonio feliz hasta que un coche atropella al joven y le mata. 20 años más tarde, la hija de ambos, Miranda, se enamora de un chico llamado Alex Finch, que resulta ser la reencarnación de Louie.
Dr. Gilmore Blount
Henry Crawford is tricked into job swapping by an old friend with an evil plan.
Chief Wilkins
Dos paramédicos son transferidos a una desagradable parte de la ciudad donde una pandilla está matando gente para vender sus órganos.
Max Smiley
A nerdy teen makes himself over as a punk rocker, embarrassing his conservative parents in the process.
Leonard Weeks
Della y Perry son invitados a conocer a Suzanne, la nueva esposa de un viejo amigo de Della. Pero Suzzane es encontrada muerta después de haber alquilado su casa a cuatro señores para una reunión en la que se urdía un plan para hacerse ricos, y en la que Suzzane estaba grabando la conversación. Su marido, al ser el primero en encontrar el cuerpo, es el principal sospechoso de su asesinato.
Peter Archer
A young actor's fascination with Rober De Niro's TAXI DRIVER persona leads him into a morass of strange and obsessional behaviors.
Historia de amor entre una mujer madura, madre de una hija adolescente y un joven compañero de estudios de su hija. Ambos se enamoran pero ella no se atreve a manifestar su amor por temor al ridículo. Sin embargo, la ternura del adolescente le mostrará una nueva forma de vida dejando de lado antiguos prejuicios. La madre luchará entonces contra los tabúes y le trazará un nuevo rumbo a su rutina olvidando para siempre todos sus prejuicios sociales.
Ed Shoat
Laurie Shoat, a young mother, struggling with post-partum depression, is found dead and her baby is missing. The police assume it was a murder-suicide, but her husband Jack isn't convinced. He believes that his baby may still be alive and begins a search to clear his wife's name and to find the infant.
Dr. Warren Towle
A Los Angeles psychiatrist testifies for the prosecution in the trial of an accused child molester. Later the defendant, who is out on bail, is found dead in the psychiatrist's office, in what appears to be a suicide. Shaken, the psychiatrist moves to the mountains outside of L.A. Not long afterwards a detective he knows comes to him for help. A seven-year-old girl saw someone kill both of her parents, but is so traumatized by the event that she can't remember anything, and the detective wants the doctor to help jar her memory. Soon, however, the doctor and the detective discover that the parents' murder and the pedophiles "suicide" may be linked to a shadowy group of wealthy and influential pedophiles, and that the child isn't the only one whose life is in danger.
King Rupert III
Adaptación del clásico cuento popular. Quinto episodio de la cuarta temporada de la serie "Faerie Tale Theatre".
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
Gavin McNab
Nominated for two primetime Emmy Awards in 1984, this made-for-TV movie follows the true story of American boxer Jack Dempsey, who became a media sensation in the 1920s as the world heavyweight champion. Based upon the book by Jack Dempsey and Barbara Piatelli Dempsey.
Dr. Edwards
Based on the true story of May Lemke. Her adopted son Leslie was born with cerebral palsy. May teaches him basic survival skills through the years. In his teens, he suddenly manifests an ability to play classical music on the piano.
Father O'Flanagan
Años después de que salvara heroicamente las vidas de los pasajeros de un avión Jumbo, cuya tripulación cayó intoxicada, Ted Striker trabaja como piloto de pruebas de la nueva Lanzadera lunar. Sin embargo será enviado a una institución mental tras estrellar su nave de pruebas, a pesar de no tener la culpa. Cuando se entere de que el mismo tipo de nave se utilizará para realizar el primer vuelo lunar comercial, escapará e intentará evitarlo por todos los medios.
Tom Fairmont
In this pilot for a prospective TV series, Kate Bennett is an investigative TV news reporter whose life is imperiled, along with that of her young daughter Jennifer, after she doggedly pursues the story of a sniper attack on several nurses.
Dr. Elliott Olsen
In this sequel to "And Baby Makes Six," a middle-aged couple deals with familial upheaval after giving birth to an unplanned fourth baby --- 17 years after their last child.
Chance es un hombre peculiar. Su vida se reduce a cuidar el jardín de la mansión de un hombre adinerado y a ver la televisión el resto del día. Pero, cuando el dueño de la casa muere y Chance es despedido, no está preparado para hacer frente al mundo exterior. Tiene, sin embargo, la suerte de conocer a Eve, una buena mujer que lo acoge en su casa. Lo paradójico es que, poco a poco, este hombre analfabeto conseguirá engañar a muchos haciéndoles creer que es un gran político.
Dr. Blankenship
A young doctor, Alexandra Kendall, seeking change while recovering from a recent heartbreak, moves from Chicago, Illinois to Hartford, Connecticut. She joins the West Hartford medical practice of Dr. Walter McInterny, a doctor approaching retirement age. 17-year-old Elizabeth "Buffy" Koenig is a precocious student at West Hartford's William Hall High School. Her boyfriend Gerry is a football player at Hall High. While Dr. McInterny is away on vacation, longtime patient Buffy hurts her leg while harmlessly kicking a soccer ball during Gerry's nearby football practice. At the hospital, Dr. Kendall finds that not only is the leg broken, but the bone was also weakened by cancer. Dr. Kendall treats Buffy and the two develop a bond that extends beyond the doctor-patient relationship; Dr. Kendall is drawn to Buffy's humor and raw honesty.
Dr. Miles
George Webber, famoso compositor de canciones románticas, está empezando a cansarse de la relación con su novia. Pero una circunstancia inesperada le ayudará a resolver el problema de modo fulminante: se cruza en la calle con una joven vestida de novia que lo deja absolutamente fascinado; tanto es así que, aun sabiendo que está casada, no parará hasta averiguar dónde pasará la luna de miel.
Dr. Metz
In this pilot film, a friend of Jonathan Hart's is killed in a motor accident just after he has left a health farm, apparently committing suicide. There was no warning of him being troubled so the Harts go undercover to find out what happened at the farm.
A sequel to "A Circle of Children" (1977). A teacher of "emotionally disturbed" children takes on a new student who is considered to be "untrainable" by public school authorities, psychiatrists, and medical doctors. Even the child's own mother, who is very loving, does not have the tools to reach her "hopeless" child. This is the further story of a teacher who understood what it was like to be eight years old and hurt and angry and confused; a teacher who saw these children for who they were, rather than who they seemed to be.
JoAnn Hammil faces a harrowing fight to rediscover her personal identity when her husband of 15 years announces that he is leaving her and their children to search for the indefinable joy he feels he is missing from his life.
Low-budget mystery centers on a murder committed during the premier of a Broadway show.
Dr. Lee
Un hombre, sale del hospital psiquiátrico en el que se encontraba y trata de localizar a su familia.
General Deptford
Tras sufrir un accidente de tráfico que lo deja destrozado, un científico americano es capturado por los rusos. Después de reconstruirlo con piezas metálizas lo devuelven a los Estados Unidos. Una vez allí, los agentes del servicio secreto deberán descubrir si se trata del mismo hombre o si es un espía infiltrado.
Father Pettis
Free-thinking student tries to put up with life at a straight-laced college in 1958.
Canon Pritchard
The wealthy members of an exclusive backwoods retreat face an existential threat from both a disgruntled former manager as well as a subversive, anarchistic current member.