Predrag Laković

Predrag Laković

Nacimiento : 1929-03-28, Skoplje, FYR Macedonia

Muerte : 1997-09-09


He was born on March 28, 1929 in Skopje. He completed his secondary education in Peć. After completing his education, he enrolled at the Academy of Theater Arts and studied in the class with Oliver Marković, Đuza Stojiljković, Vlasta Velisavljević, Mihailo Viktorović. He graduated in 1952 in the class of Professor Mate Milosević. In Paris, he perfected pantomime with Marcel Marceau and Jacques Lecoq. He started his acting career on the stage of the Belgrade Drama Theater. He is remembered for the roles of ordinary people, mostly marginalized, melancholic recluses and bohemians. In 1987, he received the October Award of the City of Belgrade.


Predrag Laković


Un anciano moribundo le pide a su nieto que cumpla sus últimas voluntades: que vaya a la ciudad para vender una vaca, que compre un icono religioso y que vuelva con una esposa. Al final, la búsqueda se convertirá en un viaje iniciático para el joven, que nunca antes había salido de su pueblo.
Raša is 30, lives with his alcoholic father and trying, and failing, to make ends meet by giving literature lessons to teenage girls and hosting a program on the local radio, presenting new books and interviewing authors. Ivan, a promising judo fighter in his teenage years, has since had a history of neurosis, psychotic episodes, hospitalization, being heavily medicated, involvement in various occult groups and practices, prior to having been baptized in the Orthodox Church.
The Trap
Kosta Antić
En el Belgrado de la posguerra conviven las las viejas y las nuevas formas de corrupción, al tiempo que el abismo entre ricos y pobres es cada vez más profundo. La reciente guerra, tan cruel e implacable ha desencadenado en la ciudad una especie de desierto moral y existencial. En ese contexto, la situación de la familia Mladen es muy dramática: a su hijo Nemanja le diagnostican una grave afección cardíaca, y los médicos insisten en que sea operado en el extranjero. Conseguir el dinero necesario es casi imposible. Sin embargo, cuando la familia está ya al borde de la desesperación, el padre conoce a un hombre dispuesto a proporcionarle esa cantidad a cambio de que mate a su rival en los negocios.
We Are Not Angels
Nikola y Marina ya son padres, y la mayor obsesión de Nikola es impedir que su pequeña hija se haga mayor. Así fantasea constantemente con asesinar al novio de su hija. Y una vez más, todos están a merced de un ángel y un demonio.
Gato negro, gato blanco
Matko es un estafador de poca monta que viven a orillas del Danubio con Zare, su hijo de 17 años. Después de un chanchullo fallido, le debe dinero a Dadan, un gánster con más éxito. Dadan tiene una hermana poco agraciada, Afrodita, a la que quiere ver casada cuanto antes, por lo que llegan a un acuerdo para saldar la deuda: que Zare se case con ella.
Three Summer Days
Serbian film about the life of refugees from Bosnia is Serbia during the war years.
Dark Is the Night
Manetov deda
Belgrade in 1992. - breaking up of Yugoslavia, blockade, shortages, food queues, student rebellion. Life of two Belgrade families and personal drama of their members, caused by social breakdown and civil war.
Christmas Song
Deda Mile
"Bozicna pesma" is made on the basis of Christmas Poems written by Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj.
Vukovar Poste Restante
The violent break-up of former Yugoslavia is described from the Serbian point of view, using the story of ethnically mixed couple in war-torn city of Vukovar as metaphor.
The Infantry Ant
Black ant Ameisen, the infantry ant, got mixed up in war and love turmoils. He's an experienced military slacker who does not respect strict military standards, but performs each task successfully. Red ants, headed by their clumsy general, are on the war path with black ants. Unfortunately for both sides, war happened because of a jar of moldy marmalade.
Say Why Have You Left Me?
The story of a young man who, in 1991. receives order to report to a military drill, and finds himself on Vukovar front, where he spends five months. Returning from there, he discovers changes within himself, but within his home town also. Totally lost, he finds no way to make contact with the environment, and suddenly experiences love with the girl who survived all horrors of that war...
The Tear and Her Sisters
A teenager girl who studies medicine meets young but wounded war volunteer at the city hospital during her practice. They fall in love with each other, but he recovers and brings decision of getting back to the war.
The Black Bomber
DJ Brzi
In a near-future Belgrade, a DJ stirs up trouble with his rocking anti-establishment broadcasts. After his station is shut down, he takes to the street and starts transmitting revolution with the police hot on his trail.
Tango Argentino
gospodin Galić
A boy who is helping lonely, elderly people revives their urge to live and receives in return their love and understanding, which have been denied to him by his parents.
Be Damned, America
(segment "Šargarepo ti ne rasteš lepo")
A three-part anthology film. Story 1: A released convict traces his girlfriend and other people who were responsible for his imprisonment. Story 2: A factory worker Pantic comes to Belgrade where he befriends a waiter. Having no overnight lodge, Pantic spends the night in the bar where his new acquaintance works, and becomes a victim of group of people who start picking on him. The initially protective waiter joins their harassment, and that's when Pantic pulls out a knife. Story 3: A female reporter gets back from the province without getting job done. On her way back, she meets an abused woman who lives with her husband in a trailer, making grill. The two will run away together, facing many hazards and trials.
We Are Not Angels
Angel and the devil fight for the soul of a Belgrade playboy who made a young girl pregnant.
The Little One
In the suburban environment of 1960s Belgrade, thieves and vagabonds were first who escaped from poverty, while simple individuals who believed in ideals, paid a costly price for their misconceptions. Life is very difficult to a family of a pilot who spent 14 years in prison on the basis of false testimony. Her husband's prosecution is his wife's fate, while his daughter doesn't even know that her father is alive. After many migrations and wanderings, the mother meets a soft-spoken yet unscrupulous man who'll promise her marriage, and rape her daughter. The mother eventually ends up at asylum, and the father returns from prison at the right time to help their daughter in life which crucial lessons she already mastered.
Strange Night
A student of veterinary and his girlfriend meet Sanja in the park, the wife of his friend. The student starts some sort of romance affair with Sanja, which makes things complicated. Meanwhile, Sanja's husband has mistress as well. One night, Sanja takes the student to her mother's apartment, where they suddenly meet her husband and his mistress. The meeting of four lasts until dawn with fights, hits, reconciliation and a game of cards... After that, everybody decide upon their own future.
The Battle of Kolubara
Tola Dačić
A filmed theatre play based on Dobrica Cosic novel "Time of Death". It tells the story of Serbian army during Kolubara battle in 1914.
Battle of Kosovo
Batalla de Kosovo (serbio: Boj na Kosovu) es una película de drama / guerra histórica yugoslava de 1989 filmada en Serbia. La película se basó en el drama escrito por el poeta Ljubomir Simovic. Representa la histórica batalla de Kosovo entre la Serbia medieval y el Imperio Otomano que tuvo lugar el 15 de junio (según el calendario juliano, 28 de junio según el calendario gregoriano) en un campo a unos 5 kilómetros al noroeste de Pristina.
The Cabinet Minister's Wife
Ujka Vasa
Becoming a wife of a minister, Zivka changes her former way of life and becomes a lady. However, her fashionable way of life is of short duration, since her husband is forced to resign after a being involved in a scandal. Based on a highly popular Serbian comedy novel by Branislav Nusic.
Uros the Stupid
The Zivkovic family lives on a hilly village, on cleared part of land. Having many relatives, their lives are interlaced, and jobs distributed. Their biggest problem is a family that lives on the village edge and whose members steal, and Uros the Stupid, single and infantile Markovic family member. Contrary to the world of elders, Urosh and children lead their life of some kind. Suddenly, postman brings the telegram saying that some forgotten cousin from America has died and left two million dollars of inheritance. Unrest enters life of peasants. Everyone has some idea on how to invest the money, feeling at the same time that they don't need it. All of their actions will end differently from what they expected.
Hamburg Altona
Three prisoners, Combe from Rijeka, Menso from Bosnia, and Bogart from Belgrade, escape from prison. Their final destination is the city of their dreams - Hamburg. They temporarily part ways and agree to meet at the train station in Zagreb. First, each of them goes to his hometown. From there on, we follow three separate stories. In the first, Combe, in the shady harbor district of Rijeka, tries to get back at his former crime partner, Mrvi, who turned him in to the police. In the second story, we witness Mensa's relationship with his wife Riza and their children in a small Bosnian village. The third story depicts Bogart's love affair with a young teacher in a Belgrade suburb. Afterwards, at the train station in Zagreb, Bogart finds out from the newspaper that the police caught his friends. At the last minute, he changes the original plan.
Pokeraš Ristić
A young student hungry for cash engages in the world of shady deals.
The Magpie Strategy
Adventures of an idealistic old Communist whose treasured watch is stolen by a magpie but who overcomes all difficulties.
Through fragments of the life of Boris and his son Matej, the film is about the conflict of generations, the gap created by the ideological coloration that one has and the other does not have. Political prisoner Boris, after spending several years in prison, returns home. After the divorce with his wife, in his apartment now live his son Matej, a grown man who is trying to earn his living as a musician, his girlfriend Mira and a hitchhiker that Matej found on the road.
The Harms Case
Based upon the life and writing of literary visionary Danil Harms, a Russian avant-garde poet of the 1920s who was persecuted and ultimately silenced by the Soviet authorities.
The Last Story
The story of a young writer who tries to save his personal identity while facing the corrupted environment and temptations of a love affair.
Ever-Ready Women
Upravnik Hapšek
Seven women are sick of working in poor conditions on a farm. They steal a tractor and go to the city.
Tata Paja
A story of a young man from the suburb, who gets his experience on the street and in bars. His girlfriend belongs to the same environment. When he goes to army, she tries to get away, giving the only thing she has - her good looks. She poses nude for some magazine. Seeing that photo, the young man escapes from the army, demanding an explanation. His return to a place where he once belonged, causes questioning of himself, discussions with so-called friends, and finally with the girl...
Life Is Beautiful
After a train breaks down and the passengers are forced to spend a day at a remote country tavern, the mix of seasonal farm workers, transients, musicians, and would-be party kingpins heads toward some explosive moments. A truckload of chickens arrive to be killed and cooked for the unruly group of passengers, and when a few boorish men harass a female singer, their actions lead to unexpected violence.
Papa está en viaje de negocios
Kućepazitelj Franjo
Yugoslavia, 1948. La ruptura de Tito con Stalin marcó el principio de un período de represión. Mesa es un buen hombre, casado y padre de dos niños. En una ocasión se le escapa un comentario crítico sobre política, y su amante, resentida, se lo cuenta al hermano de él, un funcionario del gobierno que hace que lo condenen a trabajos forzados. La mujer de Mesa consigue sacar la familia adelante y al más pequeño de sus hijos le cuenta que papá está haciendo un largo viaje de negocios. (FILMAFFINITY)
Balkan Spy
Convinced that his subtenant is a spy and an enemy of the state, Ilija Čvorović falls into deep paranoia which leads to absurd and destructive chain of events.
Mlinar Vidoje
After the end of World War II, a young partisan falls in love with a German secretary who is captured and imprisoned by partisans. He decides to free her and escape with her.
Picnic in Topola
The two young men roam through the night. One of them proposes a girl he just met in a supermarket for a fun. However, the wedding actually comes true a few days later at a river canal near the small town. Influenced by booze and boredom, the old problems emerge.
Season of Peace in Paris
A Yugoslavian man meets a woman in Paris, where he has come to do some research, and their mutual attraction leads to a liaison and shared adventures, not many good.
Berlin kaputt
Story of three partisans whose fates are determined by different encounters with women.
Plum Juice
Direktor radija
DJ from a small town plans to organize a great artistic happening. His plans coincide with those by local bigwigs who desperately want to promote a local food company.
Handymen, Handymen
The staff of elementary school prepare the retirement party for their cleaning woman. The complicated relations within the school will emerge to the surface on the same night.
An unbearable stench makes quite wide confusion among the residents of Belgrade. The microbiologist Pavle can not remember immediately where he smelled it, but recalls the event he witnessed as a child and the smell of a burning human. A visit to the crematorium gives him the assurance: The high number of suicides in the city has meant that the ovens are in continuous operation and will probably stay that way - because the stench is slowly making other people commit suicide, too.
The manager of a whorehouse is in love with a young woman who works as a maid, there. He believes that his feelings are reciprocated, but the woman chooses instead to marry a rich man who has also been courting her. Punctuating the story of this romance are a magician's show, and an earthquake.
Romance with a Double Bass
Lyrical story about a young double bass musician who travels with fellow musicians out of town to play at a wedding in a summer house. A thief and a girl, a bride at a wedding, will unexpectedly determine his fate. In a film without dialogue, music has a special role.
Back to His Native Woods
"Povratak na rodno drvo" is a Yugoslav short film from 1968. It was directed by Vlatko Gilić and the screenplay was written by Matija Bećković.
Mladi ćumurdžija s brkovima
Village drama of love and hate among the Gypsies.
A Suspicious Character
A small town is disturbed by the arrival of a "suspicious person", an unknown man wanted by the local authorities. During the hunt, it turns out that the suspect is no one else than the mayor's son-in-law who checked under his false name in order to hide his whereabouts from his girlfriend's parents.
A Child of Community
While everybody show off by giving a child to community's custody, and make career in the process, the child remains alone and neglected.