Àngels Aymar


Mother's Elling
Hore 1
Elling has lived with his mother all his life. Mom is the practical one, while Elling ponders the more theoretical aspects of life. He spends his time in their apartment reading books and looking at the neighbours through the living room window. Elling doesn't seem to need to be around others like most people. That's why Elling is less than enthusiastic when his mother suddenly decides to take her son on a beach vacation to Spain. Reluctantly, Elling agrees. After all, a lady at her age needs a good man by her side. But what Elling refuses to realize is that Mom is not only old, but also sick. Very sick. On her last vacation she tries to get Elling to see that life is bigger than their living room.
Yoshio Tawahashi es un joven japonés que trabaja como cartero en Tokio. Gana un concurso de televisión que tiene como premio viajar durante diez días por cinco capitales europeas. En el vuelo a Barcelona, ​​queda fascinado por la azafata española, Rita, y le pide una fotografía. Al despedirse, confunden sus maletas y Yoshio dará mil vueltas por la Ciudad Condal hasta tropezar de nuevo con su amada azafata.
Boom Boom
Sofía, una dentista, y Tristán, propietario de una zapatería, viven en el mismo edificio, aunque no se conocen ni se han visto nunca. Los dos han padecido un desengaño amoroso y se han jurado no volverse a enamorar nunca jamás.