‘Lulin’ is a joint creation of electronic duo Gidge, film production company Lampray and arts platform Norr – all friends from school in Umeå, Sweden. Usually, a film comes with a soundtrack and an album comes with music videos, but Gidge and Lampray wanted to make something different: a project where film and music are separated, yet strongly connected.
Director of Photography
‘Lulin’ is a joint creation of electronic duo Gidge, film production company Lampray and arts platform Norr – all friends from school in Umeå, Sweden. Usually, a film comes with a soundtrack and an album comes with music videos, but Gidge and Lampray wanted to make something different: a project where film and music are separated, yet strongly connected.
Cuenta la historia de un policía renegado (llamado Kung Fury) que persigue a su archienemigo (Hitler) a través del tiempo. Comedia de acción que rinde homenaje al cine ochentero. Incluye dinosaurios, nazis, vikingos y robots.
Director of Photography
A funny short film about religion & existence when a young man meets his creator.