Emilio Lari


2061 - Un anno eccezionale
Still Photographer
In a post-apocalyptic future, the Italian peninsula is going through a dark moment due to a terrible energy crisis.
Il pranzo della domenica
Still Photographer
The life of Franca Malorni, exponent of the good bourgeoisie of the capital, suddenly changes when her husband dies suddenly. The woman begins to pour her attention on the three daughters, obliging them to have a Sunday lunch with their families.
Últimas Vacaciones
Still Photographer
Cuatro hombres italianos se ven repentinamente involucrados en situaciones incómodas, mientras pasan las vacaciones de Navidad, atrapados en Ámsterdam.
South Kensington
Still Photographer
Trapos sucios
Still Photographer
"Panni sporchi" (Trapos sucios) es una comedia satírica sobre las disputas públicas y privadas de una empresa familiar. El negocio de los Razzi ha sido durante años la columna vertebral de una pequeña ciudad del norte de Italia. Pero, cuando Amedo (Paolo Bonacelli), el patriarca, encomienda a su sobrino Camillo (Francesco Guzzo) la financiación de un costoso complejo comercial en Roma, estalla la guerra dentro de la familia. Furio (Michele Placido), yerno y lugarteniente de Amedo, no aprueba el coste del terreno y la pésima campaña publicitaria de promoción del negocio. Pero, cuando Amedo muere, el inepto Camillo le entrega a otros el control de la empresa.
Call Girl
Still Photographer
Maria, a provincial Polish girl, travels to Milan to pay her older sister Eva a surprise visit. The sisters haven't seen each other in seven years and Eva has changed a lot. She lives in a luxurious apartment and dresses in designer clothes. Although she pretends to be an interpreter, Eva is actually a call-girl and, one night, fails to return from an appointment. Maria enquires at the hotel where Eva last worked. Eva's body is soon found. The investigation is conducted by Inspector Messina, a trendy cop. Maria and Messina become an inseparable investigating team. Maria poses as a call-girl in order to reveal her sister's killer and they use mobile phones to keep in touch.
Looking for Paradise
Still Photographer
The life and times of Claudia Bertelli, born in Milan in 1949 from bourgeois parents, educated in England, rebel and single mother, then feminist and married woman and again doctor in the developing countries and mystical nun who dies peacefully in 2011.
Still Photographer
A group of Italian tourists on a Caribbean holiday finds itself stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash.
I Love N.Y.
Photographer #2
Photographer Mario Cotone is hired to cover a big N.Y. actor. When his pretty daughter Nicole Yeats (N.Y.) and Mario fall in love, this angers her father and hurts Mario's work which further infuriates his boss. Will love prevail?
Lady Halcón
Still Photographer
En una época de magia y aventuras, una leyenda heroica y sobrenatural relata la diabólica venganza del Obispo de Aquila que a consecuencia de una traición, jura impedir el amor de Navarre e Isabel. Apoderándose de las fuerzas del mal, lanza sobre la pareja un terrible hechizo: ella se convertirá en halcón durante el día y él en un acechante lobo gris por la noche... Eternamente unidos y separados, encontrarán un aliado en la persona de Philippe que les ayudará a conjurar la maldición del obispo.