Pappy Faulkner


El hijo de Bigfoot
Adam (voice)
Adam es un joven solitario que decide embarcarse en la aventura de encontrar a su padre, el que lleva años desaparecido. Da la casualidad de que su progenitor es el legendario Bigfoot, que vive desde hace tiempo en el bosque para protegerse a sí mismo y a su familia. En el momento en el que se reencuentran padre e hijo, estos descubren que el joven Adam ha heredado los poderes de Bigfoot.
The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards
Basada en una colección de relatos cortos de Robert Boswell, presenta siete viñetas que exploran la diferencia entre la fantasía y la realidad, la memoria y la historia, y la alegría y la agonía del ser humano.
When Charlie and his family move to a warmer climate for the sake of his father's illness, he finds himself teetering between battles of the thought of losing his father with a conflict he has with a ferocious bully at school.
Another Assembly
Many middle school students focus on their everyday anxieties unaware of the impending end of the world, until an Army staff sergeant announces a campus lockdown at an emergency assembly.
Humans in Training
Four alien children are sent to Earth for a year of "how to be a human kid" training. One problem: they are awful at assimilating, constantly find themselves in bizarre situations, and make horrible decisions.