First Assistant Director
Building is Howard's passion, and he is so absorbed in his plans to build an elaborate resort in the Blue Mountains of Australia that he ignores certain obvious signals that his business partner is not entirely on the up-and-up. After a brush fire destroys the resort, an insurance investigator comes nosing around, whom Howard's partner deals with in a drastic manner. By the time Lloyds of London's senior investigator George Engels (James Mason in one of his last roles) arrives on the scene, Howard (Tom Skerritt) is anxious to set things to rights.
First Assistant Director
Tras curar la leucemia del hijo de un importante senador, un hombre misterioso va, poco a poco, adentrándose en su vida y en la de su esposa que acaba sintiéndose atraída por él. Son muchos los que temen que este curandero milagroso no sea más que un charlatán que sólo busca manipular al político.
Assistant Director
Una reunión de jóvenes a finales de los años sesenta degenera en una sesión de aburrimiento. Para evadirse de él, se les ocurre ir a una antigua casa abandonada en las afueras de la ciudad con la intención de “cazar fantasmas”. Al poco de permanecer allí, uno de ellos aparece muerto, salvajemente asesinado.
Ernie Bayfield
A man is tried for the murder of his neurotic wife by means of a sedative overdose.
Peter Murnaghan
Una banda de delincuentes juveniles se dedica a atracar ancianas, pero uno de ellos empieza a cometer delitos cada vez más graves.
A working-class boy wins a scholarship to a public school, as part of a post-World War Two experiment in bringing boys of different social classes together.
Businessman Paul Bultitude is sending his son Dick to a boarding school. While holding a magic stone from India, he wishes that he could be young again. His wish is immediately fulfilled and the two change bodies with each other. Mr Bultitude becomes a school boy who smokes cigars and has a very conservative view on child upbringing, while his son Dick becomes a gentleman who spends his time drinking lemonade and arranging children's parties.
David Ford
Dusty Bates observes some smuggled jewels hidden in a crate aboard a ship; he is pursued by low-lifes when the crate is put ashore.
This drama is set in Switzerland and chronicles a fight between an innkeeper and her husband, a chronic adulterer. The trouble begins when she wants to adopt a French orphan and he doesn't.