Rick Tonna

Rick Tonna


Rick Tonna


Yo, Frankenstein
Bar Bouncer
Esta nueva versión se narra desde una perspectiva totalmente novedosa, la situación del conocido personaje dos siglos después de que el doctor Victor Frankenstein le diera vida. Presupone que este ser ha sobrevivido tanto tiempo debido a una manipulación génetica realizada durante su creación, llegando a nuestros días. Ahora, Frankestein vive en una oscura y violenta ciudad, sumida por una terrible guerra. Lo curioso de esta contienda es que ambos bandos están compuestos por seres inmortales como él.
On April 24, 1951, following a rout of the South Korean army, the Chinese People Volunteer Army pursued their enemy to the lines of Australian and Canadian troops still digging fall-back defences, 39 kilometres to the rear. Here, sometimes at the length of a bayonet, often in total darkness, individual was pitted against individual in a struggle between a superpower and a cluster of other nations from across the world. They fought for a valley, the ancient and traditional invasion route to Seoul. If it fell the southern capital and the war, was lost. The United Nations troops had the military advantage of the high ground and artillery support: the Chinese relied entirely on vastly superior numbers. As a result, young men from both sides found a battle which was very close and very personal. The Battle of Kapyong became the turning point of China's Fifth Offensive in that Korea spring... Written by John Lewis
Take Away
Heavy 2
Tony Stilano and Trev Spackneys both own, live over and work in adjoining take-away fish shops in Melbourne. Although they have fallen into a habitual rivalry based on a cause long forgotten, the pair unite when the multinational fast-food outlet "Burgies" unveils a new store directly opposite the twin fish & chips shops.