Perry Costello

Perry Costello

Nacimiento : 1960-12-17, Coventry, England, UK


Perry Costello


Holiday Monday
Se contrata a dos hombres para proteger a un hombre que huye de un sindicato de drogas. La reunión inicial se convierte en un caos y con un cadáver, un maletín con dinero robado y un asesino detrás de ellos, Nick y Derek tendrán que hacer algo más que proteger: tendrán que matar.
Holiday Monday
Se contrata a dos hombres para proteger a un hombre que huye de un sindicato de drogas. La reunión inicial se convierte en un caos y con un cadáver, un maletín con dinero robado y un asesino detrás de ellos, Nick y Derek tendrán que hacer algo más que proteger: tendrán que matar.
Autumn Never Dies
Danny is an ostrich living in Glasgow with his roommate, a monkey named Nelson. After a failed suicide attempt over the break up with his girlfriend, Danny seeks counselling to help him recover from his ordeal and get his life back on track. After meeting Lizzie during a pub quiz, friendship quickly turns into romance but when Danny's former lover reaches out to him again, he finds his new relationship under threat. With his life at a crossroads, Danny reaches out to his psychiatrist for advice that would eventually help him decide whether to open past wounds or plan a new future with Lizzie.
Autumn Never Dies
Special Effects Supervisor
Danny is an ostrich living in Glasgow with his roommate, a monkey named Nelson. After a failed suicide attempt over the break up with his girlfriend, Danny seeks counselling to help him recover from his ordeal and get his life back on track. After meeting Lizzie during a pub quiz, friendship quickly turns into romance but when Danny's former lover reaches out to him again, he finds his new relationship under threat. With his life at a crossroads, Danny reaches out to his psychiatrist for advice that would eventually help him decide whether to open past wounds or plan a new future with Lizzie.
Special Effects Supervisor
Una madre embarazada y su marido tienen un accidente de coche en el campo y reciben la ayuda de un granjero. Rachel pronto descubrirá que los niños del granjero no son suyos, pero justo cuando intentan escapar, ella se pone de parto.
El Rey Gaélico
Special Effects Supervisor
En la Escocia devastada por la guerra del 800 D.C., narra la historia del guerrero-rey Alpin mac Echdach. Cuando su joven hermano es capturado, Alpin debe cazar a los secuestradores a través de un bosque oscuro que esconde un antiguo mal.
Slow West
Special Effects Supervisor
La historia se centra en el joven de 17 años Jay Cavendish (Smit-McPhee), quién pretende viajar de Escocia a Colorado para reunirse con la mujer de la que está enamorado. Por el camino conocerá a un viajero misterioso llamado Silas (Fassbender), quién se comprometerá a protegerlo de cualquier peligro a cambio de dinero.
For Those in Peril
Special Effects Supervisor
Aaron es un joven inadaptado que vive en una remota comunidad pesquera de Escocia. Él es el único superviviente de un extraño accidente marítimo en donde perdieron la vida 5 pescadores, incluido su hermano mayor. Repudiado por la superstición local, el pueblo culpa a Aaron de la tragedia, aislándolo de la vida de la comunidad.
Perfect sense
Shopkeeper with Gun
En Glasgow, Escocia, mientras una misteriosa pandemia comienza a extenderse por todo el mundo, Susan, una brillante epidemióloga, se enamora de Michael, un hábil cocinero.
In October 2005, five young people were kidnapped in the Highlands of Scotland by the militant Real Animal League. Stripped and abandoned in the wilderness, never for one moment did the friends know what was coming to them. What followed was a harrowing game of cat and mouse as their weekend retreat became a deadly case of live or die.
El gran torneo
Cada siete años un pueblo es elegido al azar para albergar una competición clandestina. 30 asesinos llegados de diferentes rincones del mundo compiten por un premio de 10 millones en efectivo. Son los mejores, y solo puede quedar uno en pie.
Los 39 escalones
La historia comienza el 28 de junio 1914, un ingeniero de minas y un oficial de inteligencia durante la Segunda Guerra , se encuentran en Londres tras su reciente regreso de África.
The Purifiers
Special Effects
The story of martial arts clubs who have created their own city infrastructure after tiring of government initiatives. Responding to the greed and corruption creeping into the other clubs, headed by capitalist-wannabe Moses, The Purifiers battle to maintain the successful system which has rid the city of crime and violence.
Kyun...! Ho Gaya Na
Special Effects Coordinator
A man and a woman have opposing beliefs about love. He sees her as a friend, but she is in love with him. When the woman decides to marry someone else, the man is left with a heavy heart and wonders if this is what love feels like.
3-D Halloween
Special Effects Supervisor