En la Nueva Orleans de 1937, una rica viuda, la señora Venable, ofrece al doctor Cukrowicz los fondos para crear un hospital a condición de que practique una lobotomía a su sobrina Catherine. La señora Venable se encuentra perturbada por la reciente muerte en Europa de su hijo Sebastian, con quien solía viajar todos los veranos, salvo el último, en el que Sebastian prefirió llevar como acompañante a su prima Catherine.
No Time for Tears is a moving, sympathetic portrayal of the challenges faced by all those who enter this most demanding yet rewarding of professions – from routine operations to more serious conditions, from anxious, sometimes hostile parents to workplace romance. The lives of the staff and patients of Mayfield Children's Hospital are inextricably woven together with the laughter, tears and devotion that lie behind the work of restoring children to health and happiness.
La ciudad de Troya resulta un obstáculo para la expansión comercial de los estados griegos. Por esta razón, Príamo, rey de Troya, con el fin de preservar la paz, envía a su hijo, el príncipe Paris, a Micenas, a negociar con los reyes helenos. Pero Paris se enamora de Helena, la esposa de Menelao, rey de Micenas, y la rapta. Así estalla la guerra de Troya.
A workaholic newspaper editor lets his wife leave on the holiday without him just at that time some important news stories break, including a plane crash, the one which his wife took....
This heartwarming British drama is based on Beth the Sheepdog, a novel by Ernest Lewis. The story concerns the efforts of various interested human parties to enter Beth in the All-England Dog Championship. When a farmer is unsuccessful in his efforts to purchase Beth for his own, he spitefully accuses the dog’s owner of sheep stealing.