Peter Lind


Og en lys og lykkelig fremtid
A documentary/extrended commercial for FDB Møblerc (FDB Furniture).
Drømmen om i morgen
Social democracy propaganda film about future dreams for Denmark in 1960. Although Denmark is free again, the former opponent and worker, Svend, is disillusioned: "It is all something soft". The dream of the future is incarnated by a young woman, Karen, who shows Svend the visions of a better life in the 'youth's land'. There are homes and a nuclear-powered car for everyone.
Bente går til sygeplejen
A movie about the education for nurse told from Bente's perspective. She starts at the preschool at Rødkilde Højskole at Møn and comes from there to a hospital, where student time begins. After three years, Bente is trained and can get the nursing needle attached to the robe.
De findes overalt
Propaganda film for diphtheria vaccination. The film shows drastically how many carriers can be found among us. Every 11th Dane is a carrier of diphtheria! There are as many deaths a week as there were deaths throughout 1939. It is the duty of every citizen to be vaccinated.
Jens Langkniv
Den kloge mand
Assistant Director
A film about a doctor in a small idyllic town. He's an honest man who wants his patients best, but fewer and fewer visitors comes to his practice and that frustrates the doctor. A 'quack doctor' is taking his business.