Ingrid Jónsdóttir


Oro blanco
Inga, una agricultora de mediana edad, se rebela contra la poderosa cooperativa local. Intenta sumar apoyos entre los demás agricultores del lugar para denunciar la corrupción de la cooperativa, pero se encuentra con una sólida resistencia que le obliga a desafiar la relación de dependencia y lealtad que vincula a la comunidad con el monopolio. Inga tendrá que utilizar todos sus recursos y toda su astucia para desembarazarse del control de la cooperativa y conseguir vivir de acuerdo con sus principios.
Viktoría, a strong willed woman in her 60s, struggles to hold onto her dairy farm in Iceland, which has been in her family for generations as things gradually fall apart.
Rams (El valle de los carneros)
En un remoto valle de Islandia, dos hermanos que no se hablan desde hace más de cuarenta años deberán unir fuerzas para salvar su bien más preciado: su rebaño de carneros.
Áfram Latibær
Halla Hrekkjusvín
Latibær is full of colourful characters who have a very negative attitude towards physical activity, healthy food and so on. They prefer to stuff themselves with sweets and watch television all day. As a result they are all weak and flabby. To change this, the Sports-Elf arrives, and through his positive attitude, driving magnetism and by not taking no for an answer, he persuades the inhabitants to change their destructive lifestyle.
Nóttin, já nóttin
12 hours in the life of a young man who has just received bad news which change everything.
Broken Glass
Maria is somewhat of a rebel and problem child. Her mother died and her father remarried some awful lady, and Maria isn't happy at all. She takes a drug overdose and winds up in a home for other girls with problems, but the two women who run the place turn out to be not quite the ladies they seemed. Maria knows she can't stay there very long, and starts planning her escape.