Adem Karaga


La colmena (Hive)
En un pueblo muy unido de Kosovo, las familias luchan para llegar a final de mes, ansiosas por recibir noticias de los maridos, padres e hijos a los que se llevó la guerra. Cuando las abejas de Fahrije dejan de producir miel, decide aprobar el carnet de conducir y se aventura a la ciudad para vender ajvar casero en una tienda de comestibles local. Su ingenuidad y ambición ponen a prueba a los habitantes de un pueblo conservador por naturaleza en el que siguen vigentes las nociones patriarcales y tradicionales de la sociedad. Para poder sobrevivir tiene que superar los insultos y los ataques físicos que tratan de impedir por todos los medios que la mujer pueda valerse por sí misma.
The Vanished
Far from his hometown, Beqir spends most of his time in front of the typewriter machine rather than with his wife. Nostalgic for his homeland and his people, he is no longer at peace with himself, so by writing his memoirs he tries to unveil something important, something he hides from his wife and even himself.
Three Macedonian women have to contend with control over their bodies, tradition, loyalty, pregnancy and adoption. They have not set out to change the world or society, but their struggle to become mothers makes them unlikely heroines. The three bittersweet stories, one medieval, two contemporary, mirror and contrast one another, exploring themes of love, trust and motherhood.
The Future Is Ours
The Official
After a rough night out protesting in the city, Kosta and Maja fall in the hands of the police. Their lives will change forever.
The Field
A father who is old and on his death bed calls his elders son, Bardhi. He advises his son that effort and hard work will ensure him a better future for his family. For the old man, land is everything. Just after the father dies, the younger son, Lis, turns up in the village. Lis has lived for eight years in the west European county and has lost contact with his family. The real reason he has returned is to sell off some of the family's land to pay off his debts to some characters from the underworld.
Three Days in September
Story about a vengeance, about the secrets we carry and the roles we play.