Michael B. Woods

Michael B. Woods


Michael B. Woods


Broadcast Signal Intrusion
A finales de los 90, un archivero de videos descubre una serie de transmisiones piratas siniestras y se obsesiona con descubrir la oscura conspiración detrás de ellas.
Range Runners
A woman thru-hiking an isolated trail runs into trouble when her pack is hijacked by two men hiding out in the woods, desperate and on the run. Now, stranded and left to fend for herself, she has a choice: crawl back to her normal life in defeat, or push forward and take back what was stolen from her.
Sinister 2
The Creeper
Después de que Ashley Oswalt descuartizara a su familia y desapareciera con Mr. Boggie, una madre y sus hijos mellizos se mudan a la casa donde unos niños poseídos cometieron los asesinatos. Mr. Boogie ha vuelto y acecha a uno de ellos.
Sleepy Steve
A fuzzy bachelor has engineered his wacky morning routine with robotic precision.
Speed Dating
Bear Date
Desperate to find the man of her dreams, sweet and plain Ava tries a last ditch effort, speed dating. But the absurd cast of characters she encounters makes her wonder if being single is not so bad after all.
You Can Go Home Whenever You Want
The Custodian
The Custodian protects a mysterious hill that might be a direct conduit to the next life. That is until an old school friend visits, surprising The Custodian with a birthday cake and hidden intentions.