First Assistant Director
En medio del desierto de Mohave (EE.UU.), la alemana Jasmine y su marido tienen una fuerte discusión. Ella se baja del coche, coge la maleta y llega a un sucio bar de carretera, el Bagdad Café, regentado por una mujer negra llamada Brenda. Jasmine se instala allí y, poco a poco, entabla amistad con los clientes habituales. Entre ellos se encuentra un antiguo decorador de Hollywood, empeñado en retratar a la alemana. Mientras, ésta consigue transformar el destartalado local en un lugar muy popular, al que cada noche acude una numerosa clientela.
Assistant Director
República de Weimar (1919-1933). Una vez terminada la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), se produjeron en Alemania movimientos populares de protesta, al frente de los cuales se hallaban Rosa Luxemburgo y Karl Liebknecht, que fundaron un partido político revolucionario de carácter comunista: los espartaquistas.
Assistant Director
On the occasion of his last regulars’ table in his old neighbourhood of Schwabing, the laconic pensioner Schorsch gets paid a cab drive to his new home in Neuperlach in the outskirts of the city by his pals. But Schorsch rather wants to take one last look at his old downtown apartment which he had renovated himself after the war, and where he had lived for almost forty years until his landlord bullied him out of there as the latter wanted to use the space for expensive luxury apartments. Because Schorsch’s wife wanted to move to “the countryside”, they thereupon moved to the Neuperlach development site in the outskirts of Munich. But amongst the uniformly looking housing blocks, Schorsch can’t even find his new apartment, and so, the grumpy cabdriver Gustl becomes his companion on a nightly odyssey.
Assistant Director
República Federal Alemana, año 1968. Las hijas de un sacerdote, Marianna y Julianne, dedican su vida a luchar para cambiar la sociedad, reivindicando, por ejemplo, la legalidad del aborto. Sin embargo, eligen caminos muy diferentes para conseguir sus objetivos: Julianne, que es reportera, sigue una vía pacífica a través de la denuncia periodística. Marianna, en cambio, se une a una organización terrorista.
Assistant Director
The movie depicts the events from July until September of 1914 which led to the defeat of the German troops at the Marne. While Sebastian Haffner explains and comments on operations and decisions on the basis of situation maps, key scenes are depicted by actors. A main focus is thereby placed by Haffner onto the controversial mission of lieutenant-colonel Richard Hentsch who is said to have, during a war patrol to the various army high commands, contributed to the abortion of the operations significantly.