Patrick Regan


Prime Suspect
The only witness to a young woman's murder has a nervous breakdown, is institutionalized, and escapes, tracking down the murderer.
Buenas noches, madre
Second Assistant Director
Jessie es una mujer de mediana edad cuya vida es una pesadilla: la epilepsia la incapacita para conservar cualquier trabajo, tiene un hijo drogadicto y su matrimonio es un fracaso. Un día, antes de acostarse, le confiesa a su madre que ha decidido quitarse la vida.
Kiss Daddy Goodbye
Two children who have psychic powers use them to avenge the death of their father, who was murdered by a biker gang.
Kiss Daddy Goodbye
Two children who have psychic powers use them to avenge the death of their father, who was murdered by a biker gang.
El mejor amante del mundo
Assistant Director
Rudy Valentine es un hombre muy desdichado, no dura mucho tiempo en ningún trabajo por culpa de sus manías y es infeliz en su matrimonio. Un día el cinematógrafo Adolph Zitz realiza un casting para elegir al actor idóneo que interprete al italiano Rodolfo Valentino. El papel está muy demandado y al casting se presentan cientos de aspirantes, pero hay uno que destaca entre todos: Rudy Valentine. Esta es la oportunidad que el protagonista llevaba buscando. Rudy está seguro de poder encarnar al actor italiano mejor que ningún otro y lucha con todas sus fuerzas para conseguir el papel y demostrar a todo el mundo su valía. Su mujer lo ha abandonado recientemente para irse con el auténtico Rodolfo Valentino y Rudy necesita más que nunca creer en él mismo.
The Farmer
Decorated soldier Kyle Martin returns home after WW2 to discover his family farm is in foreclosure. With only a silver star to his name, Kyle is in dire straits until gambler Johnny O' offers to give him money in exchange for killing a gangster.
The Selling of Vince D'Angelo
Production Executive
Danny DeVito stars in and directs this critically acclaimed short film which was part of the ground breaking HBO/Cinemax anthology series, "Likely Stories." Danny plays corrupt Congressman Vince D'Angelo who is making a sleazy run to become Senator of New Jersey. In the process he spreads vicious rumors about his running mates and uses incendiary campaign commercials to get himself elected. His campaign is derailed when he is caught-on-tape giving a bribe to a G-man posing as a mobster. His response to the "Mobscam" debacle is to claim he was "conducting his own investigation" and then fakes an 11th hour assassination on himself to engender voter sympathy.