Uuno disguises as an old man and infiltrates a nursing home for rich old people, where his father-in-law also lives. The ever-hungry Uuno is seduced by the table groaning with food, but as it happens, he never manages to be there at dinnertime. Meanwhile Sörsselssön enters Uuno for a TV competition named This Is My Life, where contestants tell about their life as viewers vote them either to continue or out of the show. The nursing home elderly watch on TV as Uuno tells the show's host his life story.
Uuno's father-in-law councillor Tuura moves to the country with his wife and daughter Elisabeth. Uuno joins them when it turns out Tuura's mansion is on the construction site of a new road. Tuura however is set on preventing this.
Tres cadáveres desfigurados aparecen en el parque Gorky, en el centro de Moscú. El detective de policía Arkady Renko se hace cargo de la investigación, pero tropieza con ciertas trabas burocráticas. Por otra parte, el estado de los cuerpos, que presentan numerosas mutilaciones, impide que sean identificados. A medida que la investigación avanza, Renko empieza a sospechar que ciertos miembros de las altas esferas políticas están relacionados con estos asesinatos. Una historia de intriga, espionaje y romance durante la época de la Guerra Fría.