American documentary film-maker George C. Stoney visits the Aran Islands to try and unravel some of the myths surrounding a film that had engrossed him as a youngster - Robert Flaherty's famous documentary "Man of Aran" released in 1934.
Short government film on the dangers of gossip in wartime.
A well known storyteller, Tomas O' Diorain tells tales of the sea around a fire in an old Irish cottage. His storytelling is juxtaposed with images of the sea. This film, thought lost was rediscovered by Houghton Library curators during a cataloging update in 2013.
Documental sobre la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de las islas de Aran. Muestra la lucha diaria por la supervivencia, el enfrentamiento entre el hombre y la naturaleza y, sobre todo, la dureza del trabajo en la mar, realizado por unos hombres que consideran que morir ahogado es el tributo obligatorio que hay que pagar al monstruo del mar. Se centra en las tareas cotidianas de una familia de isleños: hacer hoyos en la roca viva y llenarlos con tierra para poder plantar en ellos sus escasos cultivos, la recolección y transporte de algas, la salida de los hombres al mar, el sufrimiento y la constante amenaza de peligros y privaciones.
With a title like Jack's the Boy, is it any surprise that the star of this breezy quota quickie is British music-hall favorite Jack Hulbert? The star plays the son of a celebrated Scotland Yard detective, who joins the force in hopes of following his father's footsteps. Unfortunately, Jack is something of a screw-up, and before long he has become the laughing stock of the force.
A young bride is deserted by her husband but finds happiness with another man. They contract a bigamous marriage for the sake of their child....