Christophe Dominici

Christophe Dominici


Christophe Dominici


Anger Within
Christophe Dominici
Jonah Lomu is without a doubt the most famous rugby player of all time. His outstanding physique, his power, his speed, and determination helped revolutionise the game around the world. But Jonah is first of all a human being and one who has been shaped through rugby and its values. From the violence and poverty of southern Auckland to his glorious encounter with Nelson Mandela; from the glamour of international rugby to painful and lonely days of dialyses, Jonah reveals himself without reserve. With the testimonies of his friends, family and some of the rugby world's greatest champions, this film reveals the breath-taking path of Jonah's life.
Por ti he matado
Jean-Patrick Fayet
Marie Fayet, de diez años, declara ante la policía, en presencia de su abuela Catherine Fayet, que su madre Isabelle, ha matado a su padre Jean-Patrick, Mayor del Ejército, casi siempre en misiones fuera del país. Para entender lo sucedido, nos remontamos a dos años antes, cuando Isabelle conoce al Dr. Christian Tellier, que las trata a ella y a su hija. Pero poco a poco, Christian se enamora de ella y su relación va más allá de paciente a médico para volverse romántica, sin dejar de ser secreta, momento en el que Isabelle confía a Christian la violencia doméstica a la que se ve sometida por su marido.