Valentin Hadjadj


Original Music Composer
Léo y Rémi, de 13 años, son amigos de toda la vida. Hasta que un suceso impensable los separa. Léo se acerca entonces a Sophie, la madre de Rémi, para tratar de entender.
The Soloists
In a small village ruled by ridiculous laws, three singing sisters and their dog rehearse for the Annual Autumn Festival. But an unexpected event will disrupt their plans.
Our Nature
A poetic and bittersweet codetta. Themes such as the craving for human contact and the impossibility to come together are central to this miniature piece.
Ladies of the Wood
Sexual subcultures and the outsiders of society welcome us in the Boulogne forest west of Paris, where anyone can live out their inner fantasies.
A la moda
Original Music Composer
En un reino atormentado por creencias ancestrales, la reina y los sujetos tienen que estar a la vanguardia de la moda continuamente, pues en caso contrario serán devorados por un monstruo abominable: el Ridículo. Bastará la llegada de un vaquero, natural como la vida misma, para liberar con una carcajada a esta población de fashion victims, con una simple pregunta: ¿y si el Ridículo no es lo que imaginamos?
Original Music Composer
Colm tiene cuarenta y tantos años, está casado y tiene dos hijos adolescentes. Colm, todavía afligido por la muerte de su padre, una figura destructiva en su vida, lucha con su relación con su propio hijo, mientras que en el trabajo una reciente adquisición amenaza su trabajo. Incapaz de compartir su vulnerabilidad con su esposa, el mundo de Colm se derrumba a su alrededor. En medio de esta crisis, Colm encuentra un consuelo que nadie más puede brindarle excepto Jay.
A Bigger World
Original Music Composer
In an attempt to move on from the death of Paul, the love of her life, Korine leaves Paris to undertake a project in Mongolia. But after meeting the shaman, Oyun, her trip takes a different direction. Korine has a rare gift that Oyun intends to unveil. She agrees to initiate herself in the practice of Shamanism, leading her to discover an ancient and forgotten culture, but most importantly herself.
Original Music Composer
Lara, de 15 años, sueña con convertirse en bailarina. Con el apoyo de su padre, se lanza de lleno a esta búsqueda interminable. Pero su cuerpo no se doblega tan fácilmente a la disciplina que le impone, porque en realidad cuando nació era un niño.
Leo's Atlas
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Buran, the Soviet response to the NASA space shuttle programme, during the Cold War, was discontinued. Twenty-five years on, a photographer found one prototype of the five that were built, in an abandoned hangar of the Russian launch site in Kazakhstan. The Buran that made the programme's only orbital flight is no more, but nine-year-old Leo is convinced that someone hid it, somewhere in Siberia, and that he will find it. With Elizabeth, he rummages through satellite images, travelling the world in search of traces of the vessel, all without leaving the French seaside, where he spends his holidays. What they need is someone who helps find lost objects. A Siberian tiger will steer them in the right direction. This is a treasure hunt that blurs the limits between imagination and reality and whose sense of urgency contrasts with the long indolent Summer days.
A Night in March
Brest, a march evening in a cafe. Sailors evoke the latest news of their friends, Estelle spends the evening with her sister, Thomas, the server is working as usual. But when his colleague Samir receives a message on his phone, the atmosphere begins to change.
Avril y el mundo alterado
La acción nos lleva a un París alternativo gobernado por Napoleón VI, en el que la joven Avril y su gato Darwin intentan encontrar a su familia, secuestrada hace diez años en el marco de una extraordinaria conspiración.
During a dance audition, Roxanne falls prey to a sudden malaise and gets into her memories and trauma exhibited by a being who symbolizes her conscience.