Aldo Bonnard ve cómo su vida se desmorona: su mujer le pide el divorcio, las deudas se le acumulan y está a punto de ser despedido de su trabajo. Pero, de repente, gana una fortuna con la lotería. Cuando decide darle la noticia a su esposa, descubre que lo está traicionando con su nuevo jefe. Tiene ante sí un espinoso dilema: compartir las ganancias con su esposa y su rival o bien esperar a que se consume el divorcio para anunciar su buena suerte. Elige, naturalmente, la segunda solución y empieza a vivir clandestinamente como un hombre rico.
As a young boy, Tommaso's (Gerard Darier) interest in women and in his cousin Marta (Mariangela Melato) in particular, inspired him to bore peep holes into her wall and vicariously partake of her forbidden private life, including her wedding day. Time goes by, and after living through many changes going on around him, Tommaso has grown up and is now a soldier in the military. When he sees cousin Marta at a train station one day, he jumps off his train, talks to her for awhile, and tries to give her some strength to face the various problems in her life. Both Marta and Tommaso suffer deceptions over the next crucial period -- Marta becomes estranged from her husband, and her daughter is more distant with each passing day.
Upset by the death of one of her patients, Marie, a young nurse, decides to go in search of the relatives of the deceased. This is how she meets the gang of thugs of which he was a part.