Mandalynn Carlson

Mandalynn Carlson


Mandalynn Carlson


A Merry Christmas Match
Corey Calvin lives in a ski village where she works at her late father's local antique shop, having sidelined her her big city dreams of becoming a theater director. When Los Angeles hunk Ryder Donnelly comes into her shop, sparks fly and she starts to wonder what could be.
Mimesis: Nosferatu
Amy Pederson
Un grupo de estudiantes de Harker Art Academy está trabajando en una adaptación del clásico Nosferatu de F.W. Murnau, sin embargo, las cosas no salen según lo planeado.
Un Angel Caido Del Cielo
Chrissy Michaels
Un matrimonio está pasando por una crisis pero entonces una niña llama a su puerta y se instala en su casa. La niña despierta las emociones de la pareja y devuelve la armonía de nuevo al hogar. Se olvidan de sus disputas, pero pese al esfuerzo que pone la niña por unir a la pareja, volverán a discutir. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Sparrows Nesting
From very different backgrounds, the two women bond over their shared love for their families. As the women grow closer, Maria reveals her concern for her precocious, but lonely daughter Bella, who she fears is being bullied at school. At Anna's urging, her teenage daughter Emily takes Bella under her wings. Maria's husband, Hector, loses his job, and his ability to provide for his family. He falls into despair as he's unable to find work, and turns back to drinking. When he finds Maria at the Sparrow's house, he assumes she is cleaning houses. His pride overcomes him and demands she leave with him. Anna agrees to watch Bella as Maria leaves with Hector, hoping to reason with him, make him understand how much she loves him, and that she knows he is always there for his family. As they weigh the impact on young Bella, Anna and Mike face one of the most important decisions of their lives.
A Horse Tale
El contador de la ciudad, Michael Thompson, es contratado para ayudar a una familia a salvar su establo antes de que el banco los cierre. Michael acepta a regañadientes, pero mientras busca formas de salvar el legado de una familia, encuentra algo que nunca esperó.
Small Town Santa
Kara Langston
On the eve of Christmas, Sheriff Rick Langston has lost his holiday spirit. But when he arrests a home intruder claiming to be Santa Claus, his world gets turned upside-down ! With the help of Lucy, the new girl in town, Santa helps show Rick that even when you feel that all is lost, love is all around you.
El soldado de Dios
Paige's Friend
Sam Childers creció con un padre violento y una madre muy devota, quizá por ello su vida es una contradicción. Adicto a las drogas y a las mujeres, acabó convirtiéndose en un motorista narcotraficante. Algunos años después, Sam se incorpora al ejército y forma parte de un equipo cuya misión consiste en recorrer las zonas más peligrosas de Sudán y de Uganda para rescatar a los niños huérfanos y a los niños-soldado.