Maternity nurse
Franny es un filántropo rico y excéntrico. En un intento por revivir su pasado, acaba interfiriendo en la vida de los recién casados, Olivia, la joven hija de un amigo fallecido, y Lucas, su prometido.
Nun (uncredited)
Situada en el año 1972, la pelìcula cuenta la historia real de Cathy Rush (interpretada por Carla Gugino) de 23 años. Rush le dió una última oportunidad a su sueño de ser entrenadora de baloncesto en la Universidad Inmaculada de Malvern, cerca de West Chester, Pennsylvania. Una universidad católica exclusiva para mujeres. Con la ayuda de algunas monjas, logra el coraje y la fe para liderar a un equipo en el largo viaje hacia el campeonato nacional de baloncesto femenino.
Business woman
Consequences introduces us to Max, Jimmy, Norm, Nick and Jason at the age of eighteen. Friends since early childhood, they have bonded deeper than natural brothers. We, once again, meet them at age forty and learn how their lives have unfolded as we experience their marriages, strengths and disappointments. Together they are capable of celebrating with each other their emotions in an open and honest fashion. The group is together now on their annual football weekend, this year in Philadelphia. While bonding and enjoying the vibrant nightlife, they become separated only to find a darkness they have never known. It becomes a struggle of life or death. The friends find themselves disconnected from each other but ultimately gain a stronger respect for one another than they ever thought possible. Realizing that everyone must pay the price, they all have to deal with Consequences.