Costume Design
The world's on the brink of World War II, but a young actress is caught in a sentimental contest between a playwright and a director.
Costume Design
La vida de Chris da un vuelco cuando su marido muere de leucemia. La viuda decide emprender un proyecto para recaudar fondos contra la enfermedad. Su plan es publicar un calendario sensual con fotos de las mujeres del instituto de la mujer.
Costume Design
Drama - A NYC psychiatrist is diagnosed with leukemia - and when he finds out he was adopted, he travels to England in search of his birth mother and some answers. - Paul Reiser, Amber Sealey, Lachele Carl
Costume Design
Una prisión británica donde se desarrollan programas experimentales de rehabilitación admite a un grupo de peligrosos delincuentes. En su encierro, Collin y algunos de sus compañeros descubren un innegable talento para la jardinería y, animados por Georgina, una experta horticultora, deciden inscribirse en un prestigioso concurso nacional. En la misma línea de "Full Monty" o "Billy Elliot", esta película se sirve de la cruda realidad en la que vive un colectivo desahuciado, en este caso un grupo de delincuentes en rehabilitación, para construir una amable comedia, quizás menos ácida de lo que cabría esperar. La cinta, escrita y dirigida por un desconocido realizador, Joel Hershman, está basada en hechos reales, y la protagonizan Clive Owen y Helen Mirren, dos actores británicos que volverían a coincidir un año más tarde en "Gosford Park".
Costume Design
After Elizabeth's husband dies, she begins to play her tenor saxophone again, and remembers when she was 15 and a member of the Blonde Bombshells, an all-girl (with one exception) swing band. Accompanied by the exception and urged on by her grand-daughter, Elizabeth hunts up all the old members of the band and urges them to perform, and in doing so, learns more than she knew about the band, its members, the roses on the drum set, and herself--the last of the Blonde Bombshells.
Costume Design
A squadron leader and a retired milkman decide to bury their differences and move in together after they are both widowed on the very same night. They become a companionable if odd couple, until their unlikely friendship is threatened by the arrival of an alluring woman with a hidden agenda.
Costume Design
Iris y Rose son dos hermanas muy distintas. Rose está embarazada y depende excesivamente de su madre, mientras que Iris cree que su hermana mayor acapara todas las atenciones. Cuando reciben la noticia de que su madre tiene un tumor, ambas luchan para que reciba sesiones de quimioterapia, pero se niega, lo que le conduce a la muerte. A partir de ese momento se agrava la combativa relación que mantienen las dos hermanas.
Costume Design
A bright, pretty and determined young girl named Anna Lee quits the police department in search of adventure, and joins a small and somewhat stuffy detective agency, whose members don't look particularly kindly on her short skirts, somewhat cavalier attitude toward agency rules--like showing up for work on time--and her overall demeanor. However, the agency's owner takes a shine to her and assigns her to what seems to be a relatively straightforward case: finding a young girl who's gone missing and whose family is worried about her. As it turns out, the case involves quite a bit more than just a missing girl
Costume Designer
Nick, a Greek Cypriot living in London, hits on the idea of marriage to raise some cash - the bride, according to custom, coming complete with dowry. He is forced to enlist the help of a childhood adversary, Maria. Soon realising she is giving him the runaround, Nick retaliates by wooing her.
Costume Design
An emotionally remote recovering alcoholic and his dowdy, unambitious wife face a personal crisis when they take in an attractive lodger.