Huang Chiu-Kuei


Lethal Extortion
When a group of Russian Models are kidnapped, it causes a disturbance all across China involving the police, the mafia and gangs alike.
The Young Heroes
Seven Foxes
Fight to Win
Human Sentiment Law
Hsiung is an honest inspector who finds his career jeopardised by his mother, prostitute Fung's presence in the district he polices. The ambitious Hsiung finds himself torn between duty and love.
Little Genius Soldier
Taiwanese army comedy.
7½ Detectives
Taiwan Comedy directed by Kevin Chu Yen-Ping and starring Eric Tsang and Stanley Fung.
Young and Happy School Music
Sir, Tell Me Why?
The story of how a high school teacher overcomes all the problems and difficulties with problem students as well as other unfavorable circumstances in his teaching.
Mr Ghost Cheater
A down-and-out scholar Atsai is so disillusioned with life that he tries to commit suicide in a dilapidated temple. At that very moment, a female ghost appears on the scene. As she is on the verge of killing him, a male ghost also shows up. The male ghost saves him, but Atsai gives him a scolding for his trouble. Then they start sharing their woes, and end up drowning their sorrow in wine. Unfortunately, the wine is drugged and Atsai dies. Forty years later, a Taoist priest meets the ghost of Atsai, who asks for his help because he is being controlled by an old demon and cannot be reborn.
Master Hui Neng
Taiwanese historical drama about the Buddhist monk Huineng.
Kong Ping has a half brother Kong Shek, a playboy, and another brother Kong Fai, who was adopted by her parents, and is an honest doctor, single. A couple of lover comes to the family Christmas party -- Fan Lin and Daisy Ha. Fan Lin maintains sexual relations with Daisy Ha, but marries Kong Ping, just for better future. As an avenger, Daisy Ha marries Kong Fai. Still, she maintains an affair with Fan Lin. Meanwhile, Kong Shek courts Daisy Ha constantly. The two gradually develop love between themselves.
A Book of Heroes
In one of her first film appearances Yukari plays an undercover Japanese criminal police officer investigating the gang led by Yamashita (Yasuaki Kurata). As in most of these Taiwanese films, slapstick comedy alternates with intense action. An absurd plot has something to do with missing bullion and a treasure map. Yamashita’s gang wants it, and so do an unlikely band of heroes, including an incompetent traffic cop, his cop wannabe girl friend, and a couple of card sharks who have teamed up with an infatuated gas station owner. Some of Taiwan’s best action actors provide excellent kung fu action.
Los Kung Fu Kids
Tres niños aprenden el arte del kung fu de su abuelo, un experto en artes marciales, y son capaces de defenderse en un viaje a la ciudad.
The Campus Incidents
Demons Apartment
A family just moved in a new mansion in the suburbs, but weird things happen on and on. The wife sees a dead man’s skull. The son strangely says he sees many people in the living room. Is the house haunted or could there be some other reason?
Commando Fury
A secret agent has been sent into an all-female detention camp to retrive a microfilm. The warden and his cadre of sadistic officers take every opportunity to make her life hell. Will her fellow inmates play nice? Will she escape with the intel? Are there tree monsters in the second half? The answer to all these questions is... COMMANDO FURY.
Femme Fatale
Taiwanese film released in 1986.
Kung Fu Magic
Dentro de una escuela de magia, se cierne una conspiración para apoderarse del alma de los muertos y conseguir el poder absoluto. Unos cuantos alumnos harán frente a hechiceros, zombis, karatecas y alienígenas para intentar detenerles.
In 1980, a crack team of Taoists (garbed like ninjas!) successfully vanquish a mob of ghosts -- except for female demon Pinkish Red, who manages to escape. Six years later, Cici Shin (Charine Chan Kar-ling) and her cousin, Lily Li (Ann Bridgewater), open a boutique and need a mirror for their fitting room. The mall security guard finds one for them in the basement but, naturally, Pinkish Red resides inside it and, when Cici cleans the mirror’s surface, the ghost is able to enter back into the real world.
The Clown and the Swan
The expression hidden underneath the makeup is sad, but the clown forces a smile on his face. Kun, the clown in a dance troupe, performs the warm-up act but always gets booed by the audience, who cannot wait to see the sexy girls. In the end, the troupe owner fires him. Fortunately, Chu, the most popular dancer in the troupe known as “Swan”, is willing to leave the glamour on the stage behind and start a new life with Kun. However, although Taiwan is undergoing an economic boom, the fortune doesn’t trickle down to the bottom of society. Kun, who has been struggling, decides to leave Chu since she has a better chance to succeed on her own.
Love, Lone Flower
Wau Fong and Pak Yuk are attractive hostesses in a cabaret with a great following. One of Wan's suitors, Or Ah Chun is a powerful and prominent figure with strong Japanese connections. But she is reluctant to accept his affection and offer of good life. A postgraduate returning from Japan, Lin San Lon is deeply in love with Pak. The musically talented Lin composes the song LOVE, LONE FLOWER for her. But an American bomber puts an end to their relationship, killing Or and Pak in the debris of the cabaret. Wan becomes "Chieftain" of May Flower Restaurant after the liberation. Among the girls under her supervision, she is surprised to see the late Pak...
My Name Is Woman
Forced into prostitution, a young woman finally meets and marries her savior. Or is he? When she finally helps him to repay a gambling debt, he dumps her for another…
Cities Big Rice Bowl
Chaste Virgin
The Loser, the Hero
A boy's disappointing scores on the college entrance exam bring shame down on his family.
Funny Face
A comedy about a couple of poor-looking people who take part in a TV matchmaking programme.
cat III film from Taiwan
The Widow from Tokyo
Misfortune sets in for the protagonist of this story when her husband dies of poisoning. She leaves Tokyo to join her father-in-law in Hong-kong where her immoral and lecherous brother-in-law harasses her. Then, her father-in-law is also murdered. Are the killings linked? And why is her brother-in-law also injured and handicapped?
Send in the Clowns
Two sisters are part of a cabaret act that is rapidly declining in attendance, and although the older sisteris constantly trying to push her younger sister to the forefront in a solo act, the younger sibling is less than enthusiastic. She sees little future in show business, whether in the chorus line or up front -- and so when her older sister finally pulls off a deal for the two to go to Taipei and possibly make some "real money," the younger sister must say yes or no, and either way, one of the two will not be happy.
The Winter of 1905
Tsui Hark stars as Chinese artist and Buddhist monk Li Shutong, a.k.a. Master Hong Yi. Li travels to Japan to study Western artistic practices, and revolutionizes the teaching of art in China upon his return. Set during the turbulent era of the Russo-Japanese War circa 1905.
Wolf Devil Woman
A woman who has been brought up among wolves, and that in infancy to the age-old ginseng root, take revenge on the Red Devil, who ordered the murder of her parents.
The Story of a Mad Woman
Taiwanese drama film.
Lily Under the Gun
In a valiant attempt to rescue her younger brother, a young woman goes head to head with a group of ruthless gangsters.
The Graduation Trip
Taiwanese youth film.
Queen Bee
Shaw Legend Chi Kuan Chun is the Hung Kuen Fist master who trains an undercover agent known as Queen Bee. His brutal style of Kung Fu comes in handy when the Queen Bee takes on the villains. Authentic Hung Gar Style action presented!
Deadly Duo
Seeking revenge for the murder of his family, a man returns to Hong Kong to track down the killers. He becomes enthralled in further intrigue when his new boss is targeted by the same group.
Ping y Pong: Érase una vez en China
Tres jóvenes huérfanos entablan una gran amistad en un pueblo asediado por un cruel señor feudal, contra cuyos hombres deberán enfrentarse para no pasar hambre. Aunque el título en español la muestra como secuela de "Kung-Fu Kids", en realidad no lo es.
In The Beginning
Fantasy film from Taiwan, featuring the Chinese creation mythology of Pangu and Nüwa.
Bruce Lee contra los espíritus de Shaolin
Kung Chih Yo, un joven practicante de kung fu, ha estudiado con el Monje Liao Yhan, el Monje se encarga de custodiar los 18 Jades de Hotien, que representan 18 golpes de Kung Fu.
The Idiot Swordsman
A young man, very talented in the martial arts, appears in a troubled part of the country and rids it of brigandry with his fighting skills. His sloppy dress and fondness for wine earns him the title of Idiot Swordsman. But his true identity remains a mystery.
Death Challenge
Modern day Hong Kong is the backdrop for this action adventure about the narcotics trade. A convicted felon named Peter Chin breaks up a bloody barroom battle and saves the life of a gang member. He is rewarded with an introduction to one of the gang's lieutenants, a beautiful woman named Daisy. Together they plot to extort millions from a rival gangland chief, but their efforts are foiled by an uneasy truce between the two leaders. Knives, flying kicks, fists, guns and bombs come into play as Peter strives to keep a gangland leader from escaping with a fortune in drugs and money.
The Rebel of Shao-lin
Superstar Carter Wong must protect the Shaolin Temple from a traitor from within the order. The Silver Fox has turned up the heat against Shaolin, but Carter and the Holy Warrior Monks will stand firm -- or die fighting!
The Shaolin Brothers
Complicated mix of Chinese history and myth, where old Shaolin friends find themselves on different sides, one a Ching general, and the other faithful to Ming.
Los 10 Hermanos Shaolin
El Gran Abad del Templo Shaolin envía a los Diez Hermanos, recién finalizados con su entrenamiento Shaolin, como escoltas a un Maestro Chu. El Maestro Chu ha estado viviendo en el Templo durante dos años esperando el momento adecuado para irse y renovar su lucha contra los Mings. El camino hacia la victoria está lleno de peligros: ¿pueden los Diez Hermanos guiar al Maestro Chu?
The Magic Ring
Taiwanese martial arts movie by Karen Yang Chia-Yun
Shaolin Traitorous
The plot is a standard revenge tale told in a concise manner that involves a boy witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of corrupt officials and growing up to achieve vengeance. The boy goes to Shaolin Temple to learn kung fu in a superb training sequence that ranks with some of the better-known Shaolin Temple scenes in kung fu cinema. By the time the boy has completed his training, he has grown up to be Carter Wong and soon sets out on his mission. He meets Polly Shang Kwan along the way and, after some initial antagonism, the two become allies and confront the villains. The bad guys employ a particularly clever maneuver involving dozens of imperial guardsmen performing a variety of formations on cue (including standing on each other's shoulders, three men high) as Sammo Hung bangs out different drumbeats. Sammo and Carter engage in a particularly exciting bout against the backdrop of a mountainous landscape midway through the film.
La guerra de los Inframanes
Vuelven los inframanes en una secuela taiwanesa cargada de adrenalina y emoción. Sean testigos de cómo la hermandad de Satán intenta dominar el mundo a las órdenes de Dracula. Solo los motorizados superhéroes podrán plantar cara al invasor con sus poderes biomecánicos y su dominio de las artes marciales.
Sale el Dragón, entra el Tigre
Tras la repentina muerte del Dragón, su amigo y discípulo el Tigre (Bruce Li) decide regresar a Hong Kong para investigar por su cuenta la auténtica causa de la muerte de Bruce. Así, ayudado por un periodista amigo suyo empezará a seguir pistas que le llevarán hasta una peligrosa organización dedicada al contrabando de droga, la cual parece estar tras la muerte del Dragón.
The Shaolin Kids
Lui is a powerful ex-minister who opposes the ambitious premier Hu Wei Yen. Lui is assassinated, so his daughter Lui Sin and an assorted band of people loyal to the emperor seeks revenge and justice. The premier made a mistake - he allowed a scroll of battle orders to fall into loyalist hands. Lui and Co learn this, and vow to take this proof of treason to the emperor. But, though the loyalists have Shaolin on their side, the premier has two renegade shaolin, who say "Earth and Sky", which makes them invincible, as well as golden pills, which restore their health if badly wounded. And, naturally, there are loads of old men who stroke their long white beards whilst nodding their heads.
18 Shaolin Disciples
Chuen Chan spares the life of the evil Miao Yi Tao (Chang Yi) in a duel, and Miao swears he'll regret it! Some years later, Chen Tai (Man Kong Lung) and Shuan Ching (Hsu Feng) leave home, with the task of escorting a special shipment to the capital. The cocky young Chen Tai disgraces a group of bandits, who happen to work for Miao. Miao investigates and suspects Miao's father has information about the whereabouts of Chuen Chan, also known as The Ghost Killer. This forces the father to disclose a terrible secret to his children.
Woman of the Night
A captivating examination of human obsession and love, Woman of the Night offers three stories in one film. In the first tale, a perverse young student with a voyeuristic habit spies on two of his female roommates. The second story follows an office manager who develops an infatuation with his secretary. The last part is a complex family drama about a debilitated father who forces his family to leave him, only to have a bittersweet reunion when his daughter’s life is threatened.
Back to Anping Harbor
This romantic family melodrama reworks the Madame Butterfly story in Anping, the port attached to Tainan city in southern Taiwan. Xiuqin falls for a Dutch ship’s doctor called Daley, and becomes pregnant. When he has to leave, he promises to return, but never does. Xiuqin brings up her red-haired daughter, Kimby herself. Kim falls for a medical student from Taipei, Zhiqiang, who is about to go to the USA for his studies. Is destiny about to repeat itself?
Triangular Duel
Kon Loong, a rickshaw boy, learns kung-fu from master Auyang Tin-Kin, for three years of practice. Kon Loong is recognized as the best among all the students. One day, when the master is out for a journey, another fighting association sends a challenge to the school, and Kon Loong accepts it. He goes with four other brothers, but they are badly defeated by their opponents, who hired the help of a Japanese karate fighter. When the master returns, he will have to save the school's honour, in a duel against the two other schools.
The Invincible Sword
During the Sung dynasty, Ch'in Kuei, a corrupt premier, orders the arrest of Yüeh Fei, an heroic general. Ling Yu Fong, an idealistic follower of the general, recruits a small force to free him, failing miserably, losing most of his troops and sustaining wounds. He's hidden and nursed back to health by a troupe of traveling acrobats, two brothers and two sisters. One of the sisters falls in love with Ling. He asks them to help him free the general, and the five undertake this quest against great odds. The general himself brings an element into the story that his liberators do not anticipate.
The Rice Dumpling Vendors
Tsi-bing, a wealthy entrepreneur, loses his loving wife and all his properties due to the scheme of his conniving mistress. Unbeknownst to him, his precocious and sweet daughter sells rice dumplings secretly at night to help her family through this ordeal⋯
I Didn't Dare to Tell You
A student secretly works a night job to pay off his father’s gambling debts, and as a result constantly dozes off during classes in the day. When the teacher investigates, a series of family disputes ensues. This is MOU’s first film after graduating from Taiwan Art College. When it was first shown, it drew much criticism and debate.