Post Production Supervisor
The film reproduces the historical moment when Cipriano Castro, then president of Venezuela, proclaimed: "The insolent plant of the foreigner has desecrated the sacred soil of the fatherland!" While the coasts were invaded by imperial forces in 1902.
The film reproduces the historical moment when Cipriano Castro, then president of Venezuela, proclaimed: "The insolent plant of the foreigner has desecrated the sacred soil of the fatherland!" While the coasts were invaded by imperial forces in 1902.
La película narra la historia de Fernando Quintero (Gustavo Camacho), líder revolucionario que, luego de la caída de la dictadura de Marcos Pérez Jiménez, asciende al poder, traicionando sus ideales para convertirse en un cómplice de la represión contra la cual luchó
Venezuela, the mid-nineteenth century. The polarization between liberals and conservatives marked the political agenda. Inequalities of colonial society kept farmers and slaves under the yoke of the oligarchy. Ezequiel Zamora mobilized by deep ideals of liberty is leading a fight to try to erase social inequalities and distribute land equitably.