Oscar Molinari


El Juez
In a future medieval world, after the collapse of our civilization, man has repeated all the same mistakes again, and installed a new system of law based on false science and superstitious beliefs. Worst of all their deviances now, is anyone who dares to consume or even touch the sweet tasting 'Chisa' flower. Once caught, they are permanently banished from the village, and made to live a life of solitude and poverty. Most prone to this deviance are children - known by elders as 'vessels for evil' - since their natural curiosity makes them prey to temptation. Yet these rejected children, left to their own devices, free and as wild as the wind, are discovering the true power of this plant and its teachings. Its sap contains what most adult fear: a vision of the truth. They have learned so much that some villagers even accuse these children of witchcraft.
Relicto: Un Relato Mesopotámico
A poco tiempo de la traumática muerte de su esposa, Oscar y su hija Tamara, como parte de su tratamiento psicológico, deciden escapar de la rutina y relajarse unos días en su vieja quinta en Entre Ríos. Si bien el aire de campo suele sentar bien, la estadía parece no tener el efecto previsto. Los desórdenes de conducta de Tamara se profundizan a partir de su obsesión con una criatura mitológica y comienzan a darse cuenta que la calma del monte no es sinónimo de paz.
Cuando tu carne grite basta
Martina, a biology student, who after moving from her hometown to complete her studies decides to undertake an excursion to the outskirts of the city in search of rare and exotic specimens for research. Not finding the specimen after a long search, she decides to rest by the roadside. At that time, her new psychotic neighbors propose to take her to the woods where they claim is the specimen that she seeks. Martina accepts the crossing naturally, but on the way the thugs kidnap her, determined to cause all sorts of sinister and gruesome acts, both physical and psychological. The story takes an unexpected turn when Martina decides to release her pent- up anger.
Oscar es un zapatero atado a una vieja casa en ruinas que comienza a sufrir una serie de intensas alucinaciones, obligándolo a transitar un universo alternativo, un laberinto. Mientras una pequeña niña, se reconecta con algo oculto bajo la tierra, y una presencia que puede enlazar las pesadillas de ambos. Una tendencia inevitable: todo se descompone. Tejen es un largometraje enmarcado como proyecto de tesis (UNLP - daa), experimenta y juega con reglas de diversos géneros, aplicado a espacios mentales que proyectan los personajes, en un ejercicio de estilo entorno a la relación cuerpo-cámara.