Nehuén Puyelli and his family are of Mapuche origin, Ramón Arce purges the end of a long condemnation, both men cross their destinies in a framework of confinement, as a result of the judicial corruption prevailing in a Patagonian city. A vindictive and wealthy mother makes use of all the resources at her disposal in order to bring Nehuén to a limit situation.
Nachi is a twenty-six years old dissatisfied with her present. But when she meets Nina, a rapper with whom she has her first lesbian experience, she has an opportunity to rethink her life.
Antonio Molina
Antonio Molina es un criminal en decadencia que intenta sostener a cualquier costo el respeto por la amistad y la palabra empeñada. El drama amoroso del comisario Ibañez y su bella esposa Natalia, quien se entrega de lleno a la prostitución contrariando así la voluntad de su marido, involucra a Molina en una tragedia de proporciones para la cual nadie puede estar preparado.