Beginning with his childhood and covering the many facets that characterized his intellectual universe, this documentary details the different aspects of the most important venezuelan writer of the 60s, 70s and 80s: José Ignacio Cabrujas.
Crónica de los sucesos acaecidos en Venezuela el 27 de febrero de 1989, conocidos como "El Caracazo". Una protesta contra el aumento del precio de los pasajes en la Terminal de Guarenas enciende la chispa de una rebelión popular que llega hasta Caracas y provoca una sangrienta oleada represiva de parte del gobierno de Carlos A. Pérez que cobra centenares de víctimas. Mara Caparigua, testigo de los acontecimientos, rememora aquellas dolorosas jornadas. (Filmoteca Zoowoman)
Adonai is an lunatic poet. He lives in an abandoned neighborhood of Caracas where he runs an underground radio called "Radio Pandemonium", he lives with his mom, his grandmother and a young lady who she calls very endearly, 'whore'. They survive among the corrupt, the death and the rising upheaval of the oppressed.