Christian Chevreuse


Raymond Devos - 80 ans, 80 sketches
Bourgeoises par devant... ...Putains par derrière
Una nave atraviesa el cielo nocturno surgiendo de una espesa niebla. En su interior viajan Spermula y su corte de vampiras hermosas. Su misión es traer su mensaje de paz y libertad a un mundo que ha enloquecido. Estas mujeres, que se comunican mediante telepatía, un poder que también utilizan para atraer a los hombres a su círculo, se instalan en una gran mansión en la que van a tener como vecinos al alcalde de la ciudad, a su insatisfecha esposa, al ayudante del alcalde y a una viuda obesa y frustrada que desea incestuosamente a su ocioso hijo.
Les petits dessous des grands ensembles
There are small problems everywhere, including in a Paris area bourgeois housing development. In this particular building, a motley crew tries to resolve shared co-ownership problems. Among them, a Foreign Legion colonel and his dog; an unfaithful gynecologist and his fiery nurse; a voyeuristic filmmaker and his editor in love; a Don Juan-type antique dealer; an adorable old lady and her nice son who turns into a drag queen at night; an FIFG interviewer; an unbearable opera singer; a lesbian; a deceived woman.
Les petits dessous des grands ensembles
Dr. Christian Senac
There are small problems everywhere, including in a Paris area bourgeois housing development. In this particular building, a motley crew tries to resolve shared co-ownership problems. Among them, a Foreign Legion colonel and his dog; an unfaithful gynecologist and his fiery nurse; a voyeuristic filmmaker and his editor in love; a Don Juan-type antique dealer; an adorable old lady and her nice son who turns into a drag queen at night; an FIFG interviewer; an unbearable opera singer; a lesbian; a deceived woman.
Les petits dessous des grands ensembles
There are small problems everywhere, including in a Paris area bourgeois housing development. In this particular building, a motley crew tries to resolve shared co-ownership problems. Among them, a Foreign Legion colonel and his dog; an unfaithful gynecologist and his fiery nurse; a voyeuristic filmmaker and his editor in love; a Don Juan-type antique dealer; an adorable old lady and her nice son who turns into a drag queen at night; an FIFG interviewer; an unbearable opera singer; a lesbian; a deceived woman.
Le commando des chauds lapins
During the debacle of 1940, the turbulent adventures of a pimp, his "five secretaries" and three soldiers.
Je prends la chose... du bon côté!
Francis vive de sus encantos y satisface a una numerosa y variada clientela. Su actividad de gigolo empieza a cansarle. Una pareja de clientes perversos que desean que jaga el amor con su perra Rita hacen que decida dejarlo definitivamente. Encuentra a Martine, una joven sana y equilibrada.
L'Heptaméron (Joyeux compères)
Un fidèle lors du sermon (uncredited)
Hot and Blue
The relationship of a married couple takes an unexpected turn when the husband's boss gets the idea that their ad campaigns need spicing up with eroticism, and chooses his employee's wife as his assistant.
Justine de Sade
Comte de Gernande
Thérèse (Alice Arno) es una huérfana joven e inocente a la que le ha tocado vivir en una sociedad de lujuria y depravación. Se verá obliga a enfrentarse a todo tipo de perversiones en las que participarán bandidos, aristócratas, clérigos… Todo englobado en una serie de degradación sexual suprema, de la que ella intentará huir en todo momento con tal de salvaguardar su virtud.
The Friends
Riding School Teacher
Philippe is an older man and an industrialist whose wife is confined to her bed. They have no children. As he is preparing to go on a vacation to the seaside, he strikes up an acquaintance with Paul, a young working-class boy, and decides to bring him along. This is Paul's first glimpse of how the other half lives, with their first-class hotels and so on. When he meets some aristocratic young people at the resort, he tries to put over the fiction that he is of their class, with poor success.