Chuma Gault


Doubting Thomas
Officer Henderson
After a white couple inexplicably gives birth to a black child, the purest bonds of trust, friendship, and love are put to the ultimate test.
Love & Teleportation
Brian Owens was once a prominent professor of quantum mechanics until an accident stripped him of his credentials; he now teaches at a community college. In order to reclaim his stature, he is trying to build the world's first teleportation machine in his garage at night. All of this while being romantically pursued by one of the art professors at the college, avoiding the crazy old lady next door, and being harassed by the loan sharks he borrowed money from to build his machine. But his biggest problem is he can't get his machine to work.​
Death of an Agent
Letter Six and Seven (voice) (as Chuma Hunter-Gault)
Mickey Skinner is a truly talented actor. But he lacks that essential part of the 'what-you-know' versus 'who-you-know' equation. He's hard working and survives with no chip on his shoulder, right up until the final moment of the worst day of the rest of his life.
Seguridad Nacional
Agent Frank Johnson
Antes de los sucesos del 11 de septiembre de 2001, el FBI, la CIA y las agencias militares y de investigación tenían numerosas pistas, avisos, indicaciones y sospechas sobre que algo podría ocurrir. Sin embargo, se necesitaba una estrategia precisa para conectar los puntos y lograr evitar la catástrofe. Episodio piloto para una serie de televisión de la NBC que no llegó a cuajar como serie definitiva, quedando como un telefilm que ahonda en la herida norteamericana todavía abierta del 11-S.
Yamamoto es un yakuza que viaja a Los Ángeles para encontrarse con su hermano pequeño, Ken, al que protege y financia mediante sus ingresos criminales. Pero al llegar allí, descubre que Ken está realizando unas operaciones de tráfico de drogas sin demasiado futuro. Yamamoto decide ayudarle mostrándole cómo tomar los bajos fondos de Los Ángeles al estilo de la mafia japonesa, es decir, usando matones profesionales que basen sus acciones en un estricto código del honor que chocará con la mentalidad criminal norteamericana.
An unlikely romance develops between a Lakota warrior and a young black woman at an 1890s black college.