Sponsored by The Protestant Film Commission, this religiously-affiliated tale centers around citizen Henry Wood (played by Oscar winner James Dunn from "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn"), who loved family and church, gave to the needy, and donated most of his money to charity. Now deceased, his somewhat neglected daughter reflects on his past and ponders that age-old question, did he indeed have such "a wonderful life"?
Mrs. Quackenbush (Uncredited)
Shy, destitute Peter Porter meets equally impoverished Nancy Crane at a Florida beach. Inspired by Peter's belief that a person can acquire wealth simply by creating an aura of success, the outgoing Nancy convinces Peter to join her in impersonating a confident and eccentric wealthy couple. The experiment works, and the couple secure a stunning wardrobe and a lavish room at a resort. Peter panics, however, when he gets a fantastic job offer.
Mrs. Pringle (uncredited)
A beautiful female doctor visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle, who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help".
Mrs. Giltedge (uncredited)
Unos gángters quieren hacer que un grupo de gente abandone una casa donde ellos se han escondido. Para ello intentarán asustarles hasta conseguir que se marchen.
Passenger on Ship (uncredited)
Durante un viaje en un trasatlántico, Charles Pike, un soltero millonario experto en serpientes que vuelve de la jungla, se enamora de Jean Harrington, una jugadora profesional que, junto con su padre, hace trampas con las cartas. Jean, que también se ha enamora de Charlie, decide abandonar el juego pero, cuando Charlie se entera de cuál es su medio de vida, rompe su compromiso con ella. Jean, dolida, intenta vengarse. La oportunidad se presenta cuando Los Harrington se encuentran con un estafador amigo suyo. Entonces Jean decide hacerse pasar por su sobrina: Lady Eve Sidwich. Charlie conoce en una fiesta a Lady Eve y queda anonadado por su parecido con Jean.
Madame Gauthier
París, 1840. Una institutriz mantiene una escandalosa relación con un noble. Cuando la mujer de él aparece muerta, ambos se convierten en los principales sospechosos.