Stephen Carracher


How Do You Know Chris?
The inherently flawed chameleon Chris Black, 28, throws a party at his inner-city Melbourne apartment for people who have been prominent players in his life. But the guests arrive to a strange scenario - their host isn't even there. To break the ice, guests discuss topics of conversation ranging from the intellectual and political, to some sexual in nature, and many that are just mind-numbingly mundane. But almost every interaction results in one question, "how do you know Chris?"
Gavin Worth
In a near-future world, where individuals have their memories downloaded for backup, a man awakes in a body that is not his own.
Hunter O'Shaunessey
Una mujer busca desde hace muchos años vengarse de un secuestrador. Un thriller psicológico que se examina hasta qué punto extremo puede llegar una persona. (FILMAFFINITY)