Seylan Baxter

Seylan Baxter

Nacimiento : , Scotland, UK


Seylan's first acting role was in 2014 when she responded to a facebook post and was cast as the Older Witch in Macbeth (StudioCanal, dir J. Kurzel). She has appeared in numerous productions since, most recently Doctor Who (BBC) as Tecteun and Host (Shudder, dir R. Savage) the ground-breaking zoom horror filmed remotely during Covid-19 lockdown, where she plays the medium in an online séance. From near Glasgow, Scotland, Seylan has a degree in languages (French, Spanish and Portuguese) from Salford University and a degree in Scottish Music (cello and voice) from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.


Seylan Baxter


Boogeyman: Tu miedo es real
Dos hermanas se ven amenazadas por un ser sobrenatural, mientras que su padre intenta mantener a flote a la familia después de la trágica muerte de su esposa y madre.
During the Highland Clearances, a stubborn old tenant farmer and a young Waterloo veteran strike up a reluctant and uneasy bond in a relentless search through highlands; glimpsing the human cost of the clearances as they go.
Al comienzo de la pandemia, un músico de improvisación de transmisión en vivo indulgente y autoengañado abandona Los Ángeles por Londres, roba el auto de su excompañero de banda y toma la fatídica decisión de llevar a una anciana que no es lo que parece.
Ten cuidado a quién llamas
Seis amigos realizan una sesión espiritista por Zoom durante la cuarentena, lo que les lleva a vivir una serie de aterradoras experiencias. Cuando un espíritu maligno invade sus casas, comienzan a preguntarse qué es lo que pueden hacer para sobrevivir a la noche.
Dad Was
An eight-year-old boy must give the eulogy at his father's funeral.
Look Up
A superstitious widow looks at the stars every night in the hope of understanding her late husband's last words to her. Meanwhile a homeless man discovers some interesting items discarded in a bin.
Jacob Cleek is a quiet well presented artist, who keeps himself to himself. But Jacob has a secret, and when it starts to break to the surface, he must do what he can to stop his world from crumbling.
The Last Photograph
Witness #1
A random act of theft has put Tom Hammond's life into a tailspin. Stolen from his bookshop is Tom's most treasured possession, a photograph of him with his son Luke...their last moment of shared happiness. The Last Photograph is set between London in 2002, and a dark night in 1988 when Pan Am 103 was blown out of the sky over Lockerbie.
Older Witch
La historia de un guerrero y líder, afectado por la guerra y con la voluntad de reconstruir la relación con su esposa, es una de las tragedias más importantes de la literatura. Adaptación de la obra de William Shakespeare.