Hans-Eric Ahrn


Breaking Out
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The enthusiastic Reine is forced to take a job as a social worker at Kumla prison.
In His Loneliness
A short film about a long life. - A lonely old man cleans a lonely apartment, from time to time his stream of consciousness flows into daydreams about jumbled body parts of women or undaunted horse-rides to vibrant Romani music.
Il Capitano: A Swedish Requiem
Sound Mixer
The film is based on a true occurrence in Sweden in 1988. A Finnish couple murdered a young boy and his parents when they prevented the theft of the son's bicycle. The film tries to describe the relationship between the dominant Jari, who calls himself "Il Capitano", and his more mature "soldier" Minna, that develops into mutual dependence.
Vinga på villovägar
Sound Mixer
The little dove Vinga gets lost when she is on her way home after buying strawberry jam.
The Art Of Surviving If You Are A Little Worm
Sound Mixer
A earthworm must be very cunning to cope with large clumping shoes, sharp shovels and other attack-like objects in a dangerous world.
El festín de Babette
Sound Mixer
Nos situamos en la costa danesa a mediados del siglo XIX, en una comunidad dominada por la moral y los prejuicios. La religión se sitúa en el centro de todo a través de todas las restricciones que se puedan imaginar. Para escapar de la represión sórdida del municipio rural, Babette (Stéphane Audran, 'El carnicero'), desembarca una tarde de tormenta en la salvaje costa de Jutland. Se convierte en la mujer de servicio de las dos hijas de un pastor muy puritano y se integra fácilmente en la austera comunidad. Pero después de catorce años en el exilio, recibirá fondos inesperados que le permitirán volver a su patria. Antes de su regreso, para agredecer a todos su hospitalidad, propondrá preparar con ese dinero una gran cena francesa para celebrar el centésimo aniversario del nacimiento del difunto pastor.
Big Business
Sound Mixer
Gösta Eriksson, a hairdresser, buys a car from used-car dealer Bertil Planåker. But Gösta soon discovers that the car is a wreck. Planåker won't give him his money back, in fact he denies ever having seen Gösta. Gösta's brother Rolle is released from prison and promises to help him. They form an investment company, Parabola, and convinces Planåker to invest a lot of money in it. Planåker has a lot of shady business colleagues who also invest their money. Gösta's and Rolle's scam becomes much bigger than they had bargained for.
A little boy wakes up before dawn. As he walks out in the suburb on his own, he finds out that nothing is like it used to be.