Sharon Madden

Nacimiento : 1947-07-08, St. Louis, Missouri, USA


Dead End: Atajo al infierno
De camino para visitar a sus familiares y poder pasar el día de Nochebuena junto a ellos, Frank Harrington lleva a su familia por un atajo a través de un bosque, pero lo que en un principio iba a ser una buena idea acaba convirtiéndose en el mayor error de su vida. Aterrorizados, los Harrington tendrán un objetivo, abandonar cuanto antes la carretera por la que optaron en un principio.
Asesinato... 1-2-3
Una pareja de adolescentes -Richard (Ryan Gosling), el más popular de clase, y el tímido Justin (Michael Pitt)-, ambos de buena familia y con una mente fría y siniestra, intentan conseguir el crimen perfecto. Para demostrarlo asesinan a una mujer con el único fin de demostrar que son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para salir impunes de cualquier situación. La detective Cassie Mayweather (Sandra Bullock, también la productora ejecutiva del film) y su compañero Sam (Ben Chaplin) serán los encargados de investigar el caso.
Mockingbird Don't Sing
Mrs. Manning
The tragic true story of one of the worst cases of child abuse ever documented (in which a girl was locked in a room without social contact for nearly thirteen years) and what happened when she was finally rescued.
Blink of an Eye
Tommy is a 28-year-old man who escaped his hellish childhood by murdering his abusive father. After a prison stint, Tommy's work release program gives him a shot at a new life when he is placed as a cook at St. Michael's School in L.A, There he meets Guillermo, a neighborhood kid who is committed to keeping him out of trouble, and Sophia, a schoolteacher who educates him in a subject he knows nothing about--love.
My Last Love
Restaurant Woman
Love and life can never be planned. That's the message of the heartwarming love story of Susan Morton, a single mother facing a terminal illness who finds unexpected romance and a larger life lesson at a most difficult time. Susan moves to California with her daughter after being diagnosed with cancer. Enter young lover Michael Blake, who teaches Susan that all of life is a precious gift.
Un zapatón en el paraíso
Betty Webster
A un taxista le tocan 150 millones de dólares en la lotería. Con ese dinero se enfrenta a una oscura multinacional que quiere provocar la quiebra de su cooperativa de taxis para quedarse con los terrenos que ocupa. La lucha llega a tal extremo, que el cielo y el infierno toman cartas en el asunto, y mandan a la tierra un ángel y una diablesa para tentar al aguerrido taxista.
Two Moon Junction
Una joven debutante sureña abandona temporalmente su estilo de vida elegante y su próximo matrimonio semi-arreglado para tener una aventura lujuriosa y erótica con un vagabundo rudo que trabaja en un carnaval local.
Al filo de la sospecha
City Editor
Una rica mujer aparece salvajemente asesinada en su casa de la playa. Las sospechas recaen sobre su marido (Jeff Bridges), un atractivo director de periódico que hereda toda la fortuna de su mujer. Una abogada (Glenn Close) decide defenderle, pero cuanto más duda de su inocencia más atracción siente por él.
Murder: By Reason of Insanity
Dr. Johnson
A married couple from Poland emigrates to the U.S.,. but things don't turn out as well as they had imaged. The husband's business fails, while his wife's career really takes off. The husband, unable to cope with the pressures of his failed business, his failing marriage and the adjustments necessary to live in a completely different society, begins to take out his frustrations on his wife.
The Gift of Life
A young woman is faced with local disapproval and strain on her marriage when she agrees to serve as a surrogate mother.
Officer Baxter
A drama about a community of senior citizens who are terrorized by a ruthless neighborhood gang. After learning that the police are stymied because the victims are too scared to testify against the bullying leader, a semi-retired toolmaker decides to take a stand.