Jean-Marie Benoît


Cruising Bar 2
Fifteen years later, the heroes from Cruising Bar may hardly have changed but the world around them most certainly has! For the Bull, reality is brutal. His wife of 30 years, sick of his infidelity, decides to show him the door. But the Bull, who has a positive outlook on life, isn't so easily defeated and fights for his survival. The Lion too faces a break-up when his girlfriend leaves. All alone, he's force to relearn the art of seduction. The Peacock, on the other hand, is trying to figure out his sexual identity with the help of a psychologist. As for the Earthworm, his long wait for a soulmate will, at last, be requited.
Locura mortal
Music Director
Nina, una estudiante de medicina que hace prácticas en un hospital, tiene fundadas sospechas de que se ha cometido un asesinato cuando uno de los pacientes a los que se ha sometido a una resonancia magnética muere de un tumor inexistente.
La gran seducción
Los habitantes del pueblecito costero de Sainte-Marie-La-Mauderne, antaño orgullosos pescadores, se ven obligados a vivir de subsidios gubernamentales. Pasa el tiempo, siguen cobrando los talones, pero el orgullo desaparece, dejando sitio a la melancolía, la somnolencia y la desesperación. Para colmo de males, el alcalde se muda a la ciudad y Germain se queda a cargo del pueblecito.
Jesus of Montreal
Original Music Composer
En Montreal, un joven artista acepta la propuesta de un sacerdote para representar la Pasión de Cristo en los jardines de la parroquia, interpretando él mismo el papel de Jesús. No tardan en darse lugar las desavenencias entre el equipo artístico y la comunidad parroquial.
Night Magic
Night Magic, a musical fantasy, is set on earth but it is also about the heavens. At the centre of it all is Michael, a music hall artist, who finds Judy, an angel that epitomizes the woman of his dreams at the System Theatre where he is about to open his new show. For Michael it is just another show along the road but once inside something happens. The night is full of possibilities- full of love and romance, jealousy and infidelity, music and dance, even good and evil. Most of all it is full of magic.