Jamal se afana infeliz en Medieval World, un parque temático que parece que no ha sido renovado, o ha tenido clientes desde la Época Oscura. Después de caer en el fétido foso del parque, Jamal llega al siglo XIV en Inglaterra, un mundo de caballeros con brillantes armaduras y damiselas afligidas, sin mencionar la higiene cuestionable. Ahora es un extraño en una muy extraña tierra, Jamal conoce a un caballero libertino, una bella mujer con ideas muy modernas y una rebelión en contra del diabólico Rey...
A lawyer trying to cope with his son's accidental death takes on a case where a farmer is charged with booby trapping a watermelon patch with a shotgun which went off and injured a young boy. But in choosing to defend the farmer, he puts himself at odds with the boy's father, an old friend who is politically influential. In dealing with this case, he is forced to confront his own son's death and his wife's slippage into being a virtual recluse.