Nicoleta Lefter


Holy Week
A painterly Romanian landscape around 1900. A Jewish man named Leiba runs the village inn, a meeting point for Christians and Jews alike, although the conviviality masks racism and anti-Semitism. Between Passover and Easter, a spark.
Un polvo desafortunado o porno loco
Emi, una maestra de escuela, encuentra su carrera y reputación amenazadas después de que se filtró una cinta sexual personal en Internet. Obligada a encontrarse con los padres exigiendo su despido, Emi se niega a rendirse a su presión. Radu Jude (¡Aferim!) Ofrece una mezcla incendiaria de formas poco convencionales, humor irreverente y comentarios mordaces sobre la hipocresía y los prejuicios en nuestras sociedades.
Drum bun tăticule
Irina, la mère
The Story of a Summer Lover
Petru is a math professor at the Polytechnic University, who's living an easy life, with no big worries. He is in an open relationship with Irina, who agreed he can sleep with other women from time to time. But when she becomes pregnant, he will be put in the situation to change his lifestyle and be forced to mature at 42 years old. One of his supporting friends decides to write a book based on his story.
El milagro de Tekir
Expulsada de su casa tras quedarse embarazada de forma misteriosa, una curandera que trata de limpiar su nombre conoce a una mujer que ansía el mismo milagro.
Mirabela Vrânceanu
Ionut and Mariana will get married soon. It's time to meet their families and to plot the happy event. In-laws seem to understand perfectly: passion for TV series unites luxury, Romanian music of the '80s and brandy. Especially brandy. As the bottles are emptied, misunderstandings begin to appear. Three couples, three visions on marriage: fast and opulence (with white doves and Holograf Fuego), traditional wedding (with musicians and tent), or a youthful? Different options, different camps. No one fails. Moreover, the two parents-in-law remember that they met once, 25 years ago. They were in different camps. Now that miraculously brought back to life to face. Follow great challenge. It takes a miracle that this wedding is to be held.
Más allá de las colinas
A patient
Después de haber vivido varios años en Alemania, Alina se reúne con una amiga en un aislado convento ortodoxo rumano. Su amistad se remonta a la época en que, siendo niñas, se conocieron en un orfanato. Alina pretende que su amiga vuelva con ella a Alemania, pero ésta se niega porque no sólo ha encontrado refugio en la fe, sino que las monjas constituyen su familia.
Fără prelungiri
The residents of a retirement home start a football team.