Nicolas Dambroise


Grand marin
Sound Editor
Lili has left everything behind to travel to the edge of the earth and accomplish her dream, fishing the Northern seas. She persuades Ian, the captain of a trawler by the name of Rebel, to give her a chance and let her join the crew. The only woman on board, they call her Sparrow. Hidden behind a frail appearance is a will of steel, and her courage and determination ultimately win over their respect. Adopted into this world of often unfortunate individuals, Lili will conquer her right to live differently, free. Debut film.
Gloria Mundi
Sound Editor
Una familia se reúne en Marsella para celebrar el nacimiento de la pequeña Gloria. A pesar de que todos se alegran, la vida es dura y viven tiempos difíciles. Pero al ambicioso tío de Gloria se le ocurre una idea para un negocio que podría sacarles del mal momento.
Supervising Sound Editor
What does Cyrano de Bergerac do at a chicken farmer? This is the problem of Raymond, who has always kept his passion for the theater hidden. But when he is threatened with bankruptcy, he decides to try everything for the whole.
Savages: The Story of Human Zoos
Sound Editor
For more than a century the great colonial powers put human beings, taken by force from their native lands, on show as entertainment, just like animals in zoos; a shameful, outrageous and savage treatment of people who were considered subhuman.
Sound Editor
Aventura romántica épica que traslada la historia a China en pleno siglo XII, donde un legendario guerrero ha decidido purificar su alma y enmendar sus pecados. En el camino en busca de la redención, se cruzará con una princesa en apuros que le ofrecerá la oportunidad de liberarse de su carga a cambio de su ayuda. El misterioso caballero emprenderá una misión suicida para plantarle cara al terrorífico y sanguinario hijo del emperador, causante de toda la muerte y el miedo que reina en la población. Brujería, amor y mucha acción, son los ingredientes de esta historia fantástica protagonizada por Hayden Christensen (Star Wars: Episodio VI - El retorno del Jedi, Aprendiz de caballero) y Nicolas Cage (Kick-Ass, La búsqueda: El diario secreto).
Sound Editor
Alex is in love with Sandra since childhood but has never dared approach her.He asks Antoine, a lonely writer to help him seduce her, because in his time he was the only one to conquer the heart of the mother.
Sound Editor
Un capitán de la brigada criminal de París (Laurent Lafitte) y un investigador de delitos financieros que vive en una ciudad dormitorio (Omar Sy) se reúnen com motivo del asesinato de la mujer de un líder de la patronal.
Cuenta atrás
Sound Editor
Samuel y Nadia son una pareja que vive feliz en París. Él trabaja como enfermero y juntos esperan su primer hijo. Pero todo cambia cuando Nadia es secuestrada bajo la mirada impotente de su marido. Para salvar a su esposa, Samuel deberá ayudar a escapar del hospital a un paciente que se encuentra bajo vigilancia policial. Y a partir de ese momento, empezará su particular cuenta atrás.
The Fall. El sueño de Alexandria
Dialogue Editor
1920. En un hospital en las afueras de Los Angeles, un especialista herido empieza a contarle a su compañera de habitación, una niña con un brazo roto, una fantástica historia sobre cinco héroes míticos. Gracias a su estado mental y su viva imaginación, la línea entre la ficción y la realidad comienza a desdibujarse a medida que avanza el cuento.
Life on Their Shoulders
Sound Mixer
The documentary shot in a Laz village called M3’anu is about the lives of women living in the region. The documentary focuses on women who have a great endurance without being crushed under the heavy load they carry on their backs, the difficulties of living conditions and the heavy load brought by taking care of their families, nevertheless, they do not give up their songs and smile on their faces.
Henri Dès - Le Père Noël était en avance
Sound Director
It's Christmas night. While the world is sleeping, a young child decides to get up just before midnight to try to see Santa Claus depositing the presents at the foot of the tree. But that is not his surprise when he enters the living room and finds that the old man with the white beard has already passed, the presents surrounding the conifer. It is then that Bis-Bis, the little robot who repeats everything twice, even his name, comes out of his package. For a few minutes, he will have fun with the child and the other toys ...