In this charming TV adaptation of the 1947 film classic, a kindly old gentleman (Ed Wynn) working as a Macy's department store Santa causes a commotion when he claims to be the real St. Nick. Forced to prove his sanity, he is taken to court where he must convince the judge and his friends that he actually is Santa Claus. The faith of one skeptical little girl (Susan Gordon) and a Christmas miracle are the keys to his true identity.
II Guerra Mundial: la guerra del Pacífico. "Rick" Richardson (Clark Gable) es un duro y abnegado oficial de Marina cuyo único propósito es encontrar y eliminar a un destructor japonés al que cree responsable del hundimiento de su barco. Cuando asume el mando de un nuevo submarino, con un vigilante primer oficial (Burt Lancaster), entrena a sus hombres de manera tan implacable que casi provoca un motín.