Conrad Rothmann


We Have Decided Not to Die
Visual Effects
Three wordless rituals: birth, between, and rebirth. A woman lies at the bottom of a swimming pool, alone. The camera pans her body. She starts to rise, then sinks; convulsions follow and then she rises and hovers above the pool. A shirtless man in white pants stands in an asphalt lot, a car visible on either side. Convulsions begin. The cars back up, still facing him and each other. They pause; they race toward him. He leaps. A youth, shirtless and in white shorts, stands in front of a tall building. Doors open, he enters and walks to an elevator. Convulsions strike him as he rides to a top floor, exits the elevator, pauses, and runs toward a window. He crashes through.
Angel Baby
Special Effects Supervisor
Dos esquizofrénicos se conocen en terapia y se enamoran. Por desgracia van por una carretera a ninguna parte
Comando Alto Riesgo
Special Effects Supervisor
La C.I.A. contrata dos mercenarios para derrocar a un dictador en el sudeste asiático.
A Place to Call Home
Special Effects Supervisor
Sam Gavin decides to relocate his family from Houston, Texas to a sheep station in Australia to protect his eleven children from the "destructive influences" of modern American society. Because of business obligations, he fails to join them and, more or less, abandons his wife, Liz, to the hardships of her new surroundings. Mother and children are determined to make a go of it.
Midnite Spares
Special Effects
Después de descubrir que un grupo de ladrones de autos puede tener algo que ver con la muerte prematura de su padre, Steve persigue a los criminales e intenta capturarlos, así como demostrar su destreza como piloto de carreras.
A Dangerous Summer
Special Effects
Building is Howard's passion, and he is so absorbed in his plans to build an elaborate resort in the Blue Mountains of Australia that he ignores certain obvious signals that his business partner is not entirely on the up-and-up. After a brush fire destroys the resort, an insurance investigator comes nosing around, whom Howard's partner deals with in a drastic manner. By the time Lloyds of London's senior investigator George Engels (James Mason in one of his last roles) arrives on the scene, Howard (Tom Skerritt) is anxious to set things to rights.
Squizzy Taylor
Special Effects Coordinator
This Australian crime drama chronicles the life of notorious, keen witted, acid tongued 1920s Melbourne gangster Squizzy Taylor. Wormy and diminutive, yet cunning and determined small-time hoodlum Squizzy Taylor rises to prominence and popularity in Melbourne, Australia in the 1920's. Squizzy romances brash moll Dolly and works for bookie Henry Stokes before branching out on his own while being hounded by the police and courted by the press the whole time.
Más allá de la reencarnación
Special Effects
Tras curar la leucemia del hijo de un importante senador, un hombre misterioso va, poco a poco, adentrándose en su vida y en la de su esposa que acaba sintiéndose atraída por él. Son muchos los que temen que este curandero milagroso no sea más que un charlatán que sólo busca manipular al político.
La noche de Halloween
Special Effects
Durante la noche de Halloween, Michael, un niño de seis años, asesina a su familia con un cuchillo de cocina. Es internado en un psiquiátrico del que huye quince años más tarde, precisamente la víspera de Halloween. El psicópata vuelve a su pueblo y comete una serie de asesinatos. Mientras, uno de los médicos del psiquiátrico le sigue la pista.
Death Dimension
Special Effects
The Pig tiene un plan para erradicar a algunas personas con una bomba congeladora que funciona instantáneamente, congelando a las personas hasta la muerte. Incumbe al Detective Ash detenerlo y proteger a la mujer con el secreto de la bomba de hielo incrustada en una microdot debajo de la piel de su frente.
El extraño caso de Lou Jacobi
Special Effects
Un alienígena se vuelve un zombi come-humanos al asumir la identidad de una víctima de asesinato.
El extraño caso de Lou Jacobi
A Gangster
Un alienígena se vuelve un zombi come-humanos al asumir la identidad de una víctima de asesinato.