Sandra Prosper

Sandra Prosper

Nacimiento : 1978-02-23, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


Sandra Prosper


Mudanza mortal
Una joven pareja acepta un trato y se muda a una casa de ensueño para salvar su matrimonio. Pronto, eventos inquietantes revelan el turbulento pasado de su nuevo hogar.
A Soldier's Love Story
Ten year old Jared Marshall's life crumbled down after his parents' divorce a year ago. Not only does his dad put his job first since, mother uproots him from Iowa by moving in with her ma so she can take a job in California. When Jared's class writes letters to US troops in Bosnia from the nearest base, kindhearted Sergeant First Class Vince Carerra, who grew up fatherless and got divorced because his wife wasn't faithful while he was on tour of duty, takes to the kid and starts a correspondence with 'fatherly' advice. Once his unit returns to Fort Sebastian, Vince calls on Jared's home, warmly welcomed. Vince becomes Jared's personal baseball coach and after some Cupid encouragement, his mother's boyfriend, but on an understanding not to commit because he's likely to be redeployed.
Willy Beachum es un joven y ambicioso fiscal cuya carrera está empezando a despegar. Por otra parte, Ted Crawford es un ingeniero de mediana edad que acaba de disparar a su mujer a sangre fría. El destino querrá que ambos hombres se encuentren cara a cara en un camino de destino inescrutable. Crawford resulta ser tan complejo e impredecible como el crimen que ha cometido y, así, mientras el caso perfecto de Willy comienza a desmoronarse, el futuro del joven fiscal parece destruirse con él.
Out of the Woods
Matt, a self-absorbed young attorney, goes to visit his grandfather - an eccentric recluse who lives in the backwoods without gas, electricity, or phone - to convince him not to give away his estate as he plans to do. But in the end, it is Matt who is convinced to make some life changes. Jason London and Ed Asner star. When a woman needs someone to look after her aging father (Ed Asner), her irresponsible son isn't her first choice. Matt (Jason London) can't get his career, love life, or wallet in order, so how can he be expected to check in on his grandfather? But desperation leads Matt to visit his grandfather at his home in the middle of nowhere. For Matt, this barebones life takes some adjustment, but then he meets a single mother who helps him learn about the simple life.
Una pandilla de altura
Calvin es un niño huérfano de 14 años que encuentra unas zapatillas que pertenecieron a Michael Jordan. No son unas zapatillas cualquiera ya que poseen poderes mágicos que le convertirán en una estrella de la NBA. Una comedia fantástica dirigida al publico infantil y juvenil. A pesar de la ausencia de nombres conocidos en sus títulos de crédito, un filme patrocinado por la NBA que consiguió alcanzar los primeros puestos de la taquilla americana
The Other Brother
A frustrated writer reluctantly turns to his womanizing brother for advice about the opposite sex.
American Tragedy
Shawn Chapman
Johnnie Cochran defends O.J. Simpson who is on trial for his wife's murder.
Let It Snow
Two young lovers meet on a series of snowy days in high school.
Demasiado cansado para morir
Black Soldier
Keith is a Japanese twenty-something who is followed by Death in various disguises. When he finally faces her, Death tells him that he has only 12 hours to live and he needs to make the most of it