Herman Lantz


Only One Night
Carnival Visitor
Funfair worker Valdemar is unknowingly the illegitimate son of a rich landowner, colonel Von Brede. The colonel knows and employs Valdemar as his stable master. The colonel has a young and beautiful ward, Eva, but will she and Valdemar fall in love with each other?
Adolf Armstarke
Adolph Turesson is a mild-mannered, meek college professor whose faint-heart isn't impressing the fair-lady he secretly loves, the golden-haired Britta Larsson. Attending a lecture, he witnesses the attention paid to his lady-love by other faculty members, and falls to sleep. He dreams of the olden days and the knights, and the comely ladies of the court over whom they fought. His dream also gives all the cast the change to play a second role. Upon awakening, he proposes to Britta.
Gustav lives in Värnamo. He constructs a new boat engine, but needs time to complete it. The work has been financed by factory director "Hatt-Johan" Johansson who would like to sell the invention. Gustav's father returns from the United States and everyone thinks he's become a millionaire.
Kungliga Johansson
Famous chef Carl-Ulrik Johansson (Erik 'Bullen' Berglund) comes home to Sweden after twenty years abroad and finds out he never finished his compulsory military service. Consequently he is forced to join the army as a conscript. He has many fights with his sergeant Göran Persson (Thor Modéen).
His Life's Match
Gunnar Gawell is masonry on a building but also a very good football player. He gets a chance to play for the the national team against Denmark. Gunnar is offered a bribe if he allows the Danish team to win the match.
Svarte Rudolf
Rudolf Carlsson, who works at a department store, dreams of making movies.
A married writer's luck turns when he gets a play produced at Théâtre de Paris. He meets the femme fatale who should play the lead in his play. Passion and conflict occurs.
Gustaf Wasa, Part One
The story takes its beginning in 1518 , the Danish King Christian II has taken Sweden. Sten Sture the younger appeal to all loyal subjects to resist. The offer reaches the farmer Mats Waltersson in Dalarna , Sweden's heart and he gathers his men. Dalmas were going from house to house, they do not want a Dane on the throne. At Brännkyrka outside Stockholm is a battle between the Danes and Swedes. Swedes win and the Swedish riksbaneret out during the Battle of Gustav Eriksson Vasa.
The Ingmar Inheritance
"The Ingmar Inheritance". The story of a group of farmers who choose to leave their homes and follow the preacher Helgum to the Holy Land.
Two Kings
Boat passenger
The young adventurer Signature Hjelm meets one day a runaway carriage, and succeeds by a resourceful and daring intervention to avert an accident. The rig belongs to Gustav III's favorite, Baron Armfelt, and as a reward for his feat will Ture service of the king's guard. Conspirators trying maple certainly entice him over to the king's enemies, but Ture reports Gustaf receiving a grim and determined expression on his face: "Spies even here!" His confidence Signature increases.
Johan Ulfstjerna
Police Officer
The story of a man who makes a great sacrifice for his country and for his son. Based on the play of the same title by Tor Hedberg.
Love's Crucible
At the end of the middle ages, Ursula is accused of having poisoned her own husband. She claims she is innocent, but to prove it, she must submit to a ritual: trial by fire, walking on fire along a path leading directly to a crucifix. A film that has been much commended for the visual creativity shown by the director in successive blending in of images involving Ursula, her husband, the Virgin Mary, and Jesus Christ. Much applauded, also: the performance of Jenny Hasselqvist, thus described by French director René Clair: “We shall never forget her flaming eyes, the severity of her spirit, her abrupt and alarmed expressions, like an animal under threat.”
El tesoro de Arne
City dweller
Tres oficiales escoceses irrumpen en la casa de Sir Arne, lo asesinan junto a todos sus familiares y huyen luego con el baúl que guarda su famoso tesoro. Sólo dejan viva a la joven Elsalill, que en la orfandad tendrá que irse a vivir con unos parientes pobres a orillas del mar congelado. Allí conocerá a un encantador joven que espera el deshielo para partir, y del que pronto se enamorará...
Los proscritos
Man at Björn Bergsteinsson
Un extraño llega a trabajar a la granja de la viuda Halla. Pronto ambos caerán en las redes del amor, pero todo se vendrá abajo cuando el turbio pasado del hombre salga a la luz. Decididos, sin embargo, a seguir juntos, deciden dejarlo todo y refugiarse en las montañas de Islandia, aunque eso signifique vivir en la miseria.
The Girl from the Marsh Croft
A 1917 Swedish drama film directed by Victor Sjöström, based on a 1913 novel by Selma Lagerlöf. It was the first in a series of successful Lagerlöf adaptions by Sjöström, made possible by a deal between Lagerlöf and A-B Svenska Biografteatern (later AB Svensk Filmindustri) to adapt at least one Lagerlöf novel each year. Lagerlöf had for many years denied any proposal to let her novels be adapted for film, but after seeing Sjöström's Terje Vigen she finally decided to give her allowance.
Había una vez un hombre
Terje's Friend
La película se basa en las 52 estrofas del poema épico del mismo nombre (1882), que narra la dramática historia del marinero Terje Vigen, que durante las guerras Napoleónicas (1807-1814), iba en barca desde Mandal a Dinamarca para llevarle cebada a su hambrienta familia.