Rosan Boersma


El mar nos mira de lejos
Executive Producer
Huelva, España, una región aislada y perdida en el tiempo. La hierba, la arena y el cielo son los mismos que aquellos extranjeros vieron en la primavera de 1895, cuando vinieron cruzando el mar desde un lejano país para marcar la tierra intocada y extraer su riqueza; cuando la torre era nueva; cuando la gente podía subir a la cima de la duna más alta e imaginar que la ciudad de Tartessos seguía todavía allí, a lo lejos, apenas perceptible entre la bruma de la mañana.
Forget Me Not
‘De Verrekijker’ primary school in Katwijk provides education for some 150 children from the local reception centre for refugees. The inspired teachers’ ultimate challenge is to offer these children a safe haven and make their school days as ordinary as possible. At first glance, De Verrekijker looks like a normal Dutch primary school. However, the boys and girls are children of rejected asylum seekers. Headmaster Toon and the teachers do all they can to give them the best education. Yet each morning they worry if any pupil has been forced to leave the country. After a series of deportations it becomes increasingly difficult to provide the children with a safe haven. The situation escalates when a group of Syrian boys fleeing war arrive at the school.
Life, Love & HIV
HIV has been a chronic disease since the 1990s; it is no longer lethal. Still, the social stigma and the taboo the affliction is under persist. This is also experienced by two women in Amsterdam and Groningen. They are now brave enough to say they are HIV positive, despite all unshakable prejudices against women with HIV. This moving documentary shows what it is like to live with the dreaded disease in present-day society.
De grens van Frans Bromet
Executive Producer