Joey Moran


Joey Moran is known for his work on Terminator Genisys (2015), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) and The Magnificent Seven (2016).


The Demon Inside
Years after his release from jail, Sam Parsons is trying to build his life with his wife Courtney and their young daughter Harper. He works hard to provide for his family and afford their beautiful home in their quiet suburban neighborhood. When supernatural occurrences start to happen in the house, Sam fears for the safety of his wife and daughter. When the occurrences turn into attacks, Sam hires Corbin Carlysle and his reality TV show ghost hunting team known as "The Ghost Killers", to help him battle the dark entity that's lurking in the shadows of his home. As things start to escalate and it becomes clear that this entity is much more dangerous than your typical ghost, complications arise when Corbin and his team are more focused on fame and fortune. To win this fight Sam must battle his own inner demons and revert back to his violent past. In order to save the ones he loves a Demon must face a Demon.
The Demon Inside
Years after his release from jail, Sam Parsons is trying to build his life with his wife Courtney and their young daughter Harper. He works hard to provide for his family and afford their beautiful home in their quiet suburban neighborhood. When supernatural occurrences start to happen in the house, Sam fears for the safety of his wife and daughter. When the occurrences turn into attacks, Sam hires Corbin Carlysle and his reality TV show ghost hunting team known as "The Ghost Killers", to help him battle the dark entity that's lurking in the shadows of his home. As things start to escalate and it becomes clear that this entity is much more dangerous than your typical ghost, complications arise when Corbin and his team are more focused on fame and fortune. To win this fight Sam must battle his own inner demons and revert back to his violent past. In order to save the ones he loves a Demon must face a Demon.
Los siete magníficos
Lighting Technician
Siete forajidos son contratados por los desesperados habitantes del pueblo de Rose Creek para que les defiendan de la amenaza de un despiadado extorsionador llamado Bartholomew Bogue. Mientras preparan el pueblo para la violenta confrontación que saben se avecina inevitablemente, estos siete mercenarios se encontrarán luchando por algo más que el simple dinero.
Terminator Génesis
Año 2032. La guerra del futuro se está librando y un grupo de rebeldes humanos tiene el sistema de inteligencia artificial Skynet contra las cuerdas. John Connor es el líder de la resistencia, y Kyle Reese es su fiel soldado, criado en las ruinas de una postapocalíptica California. Para salvaguardar el futuro, Connor envía a Reese a 1984 para salvar a su madre, Sarah de un Terminator programado para matarla con el fin de que no llegue a dar a luz a John. Pero lo que Reese encuentra en el otro lado no es como él esperaba.
El amanecer del planeta de los simios
Un grupo de simios con grandes cualidades para la supervivencia toma las calles, liderado por César, un simio dotado de una inteligencia y unos instintos superiores para cualquier primate. Ante la necesidad de libertad, esta raza animal decide no doblegarse ante los humanos. Tendrá que luchar contra un grupo de humanos que han sobrevivido a una fuerte epidemia, desatada en la década anterior. Ambas partes han establecido una tregua, pero se verá interrumpida.
Star Trek: El futuro comienza
Lighting Technician
Todo está preparado para el viaje inaugural de la nave más moderna que jamás se haya creado: la USS Enterprise. Su joven tripulación tiene una importante misión: encontrar una manera de detener al malvado Nero que, movido por la venganza, amenaza a toda la humanidad. Pero el destino de la galaxia está en manos de dos jóvenes rivales, que nacieron en mundos diferentes. Uno de ellos, Tiberius James Kirk, humano, busca emociones y es un líder nato. El otro, Spock, medio humano y medio vulcaniano, es menospreciado por los vulcanianos, por sus emociones humanas.