The hypochondriac Sebastião and his not so normal family must save the country from the prime minister's plan of selling the country to China, Germany, France and Angola, and show that Portugal is not for sale.
How happy and proud they are those two ladies back in Oporto! Thanks to them, their bright nephew can study medicine in Lisbon and may already have become a doctor. Little do they know, not only Vasco wastes all his time drinking, dancing and picking up girls but he has just failed his final exam! And in that same day, he receives an email from the two aunts announcing their visit to Lisbon! Will he be able to make them believe he is such a good student as they think?
Stefan Zweig fue un escritor, biógrafo y activista social austríaco judío que se vio obligado a huir de su país debido al régimen nazi. De esta manera, se refugia en París y más tarde en Londres. Aun así, Zweig acabará huyendo junto con su esposa a Sudamérica, instalándose finalmente en Brasil, donde acabará suicidándose en 1942 debido a su miedo a que el nazismo se extendiera por todo el mundo.
Ferrão visits Simone, a drug dealer with whom he is not very comfortable. It's the beginning of a journey where fantasy becomes reality and reality fantasy.
En Londres, poco antes de las Navidades, se entrelazan una serie de historias divertidas y conmovedoras. 'Love Actually' es una manera abreviada de decir 'Love Actually Is All Around' y éste es precisamente el argumento de la película: mires a donde mires, encontrarás el amor en todas partes. Todos los personajes, cada uno a su manera (un primer ministro, una vieja estrella del rock, una asistenta portuguesa que sólo habla su idioma), están relacionados con los aspectos más divertidos, tristes, ingenuos y estúpidos del amor.
This short film is based upon a book of tales "Exemplary Crimes" by Max Aub who, in his turn, was inspired by real testimonies that describe crimes straightforwardly. The Testimonies are individual confessions by different persons that have nothing in common but the fact that all committed murder.