Hajime Isogai

Nacimiento : 1936-07-25,


A pool without water
Lighting Director
Tras salvar a una joven de ser violada una noche, un hombre se obsesiona con las pocas medidas de seguridad que ponen en sus casas las mujeres que viven solas. Harto de trabajar rodeado de gente durante el día, por las noches va merodeando por las habitaciones en que sensuales jóvenes duermen solas y da rienda suelta a sus deseos.
Attacked Woman
Lighting Technician
A pinku film depicting a love triangle among a woman and two yakuza gangsters. These two friends share a life of crime, so they end up sharing the woman, as well. The three of them come up with a plan - she will have sex with married men and they will take photos for blackmail. However, when they cross paths with the gangster who dominates the town, things will get really bad for the trio!
Serial Rape in a Secret Room
Seishojo gomon
Lighting Technician
Pinku from 1980.
Bondage Sacrifice
Lighting Technician
Gendai sei hanzai: Zenin satsugai
Lighting Technician
A girl that lost her life after being gang-raped by gang members revives as a ghost wearing a fox mask in white clothes, and while chanting mysterious words, she kills all of the men that raped her with a Japanese sword.
Sukemusho: hentai
Lighting Director
An erotic film that vividly depicts the inner workings of a women's prison. A young and beautiful female instructor has a physical relationship with the warden, but she also acts as a spy for him. Posing as a prisoner, she infiltrates the cells, cleverly discovers the secrets of the prisoners, and reports them to the warden.
Oppressive Torture
Lighting Technician
In the end of the 19th century, social restoration occurred in Japan. Seizing on the confusion, Gonnosuke deprives land from farmers, and this pushes him way to the top as a businessman. However, he has hideous sexual propensity which he sexually abuses women. Gonnosuke excruciates hard and causes 2 housemaids to die. The dreadful history recurs...
Serial Rapist
Lighting Technician
A chubby, bicycle-riding rapist/killer dispatches 13 people in a cold, bloody, detached rampage.
Women Prison: The Lynching
Lighting Technician
Naomi who entered the prison for a younger brother. Female prisoners, Naomi starving for passion will experience various lynch. The world of the shocking imprisonment & abuse between the women who picturized the habits of female prisoners crazy about passion vividly!
Women Prison: The Lynching
Naomi who entered the prison for a younger brother. Female prisoners, Naomi starving for passion will experience various lynch. The world of the shocking imprisonment & abuse between the women who picturized the habits of female prisoners crazy about passion vividly!
Torture Chronicles Continues: 100 Years
Lighting Technician
Another rare Wakamatsu for y'all.....this time from his late 70s shintoho roughies/torture era. A sort of sequel to Torture Chronicles: 100 Years of Torture Inquisition, and much along the same lines as that and Female Rape and Torture as far as plot and production values goes. The contionue of 100 Years of Torture: The History
Prohibition In Japan: Female Trafficking
Lighting Technician
Pinku from 1977.
Secret Chronicle - Prostitute Sacrifice
Lighting Technician
pinku from japan 1977
Cruel Story Of Women's Torture
Lighting Technician
Tres historias que versan sobre los crueles y sádicos castigos a los que varias mujeres son sometidas por diferentes e insólitas circunstancias. El adulterio, la deshonra de un padre y el arte erótico, serán los temas principales de cada segmento.
100 Years of Torture: The History
Lighting Technician
The movie takes place in four periods: the first, a group of female Christians are raped and crucified in 18th century Japan. The second deals with a man who beats his cheating wife and her lover. The third, is set in WW2 where inquisition soldiers torture, rape and abuse female traitors, and the fourth story deals with soldiers raping and abusing suspected female spies.
Wet Dice
Lighting Director
Kayo, who is famous for her beauty, own a bar in a port town. The establishment is always crowded with customers infatuated with her. For the past three years, Kayo has been in a relationship with Murakami, a city councilman. One day, a young man and woman, Jun and Yoko, come to town. They are planning to stow away somewhere, but no one will take them in. Exhausted, they happen to come to Kayo's bar. Eventually, Kayo's past and the man she used to be with are revealed, and Jun and Yoko's desperate actions lead to the story's conclusion...
Secret High School Girl: After School Activity
Lighting Technician
A banker and a high school girl start a brothel in the snowy countryside of Hokuriko.
Gushing Prayer: A 15-Year-Old Prostitute
Desensitized and dissatisfied, a young yet jaded sexual veteran sets out on a journey of self-discovery while teetering on the threshold of womanhood. Yasuko is taking part in an orgy when she realizes that she has lost all feeling - not just physically, but emotionally as well. Now, with the weight of responsibility and adult expectation weighing down on her shoulders, Yasuko attempts to better understand how she could be so empty at such a tender age.
(秘)トルコ 密室の艶技
Lighting Technician
Pinku from 1971.
A Woman in Revolt
Lighting Technician
The manager of a supermarket is flooded with huge financial problems. Driven by desperation, she commits a series of murders.
High Noon Rape
Lighting Technician
Pinku from 1970.
Shinjuku Mad
Lighting Director
A salesman is looking in the city of Tokyo for his lost son. But he becomes increasingly angry at the young and radical hippies, who are not the least helpful.
Sex Jack
Lighting Technician
A faction of the Communist Party puts Tokyo rocked by demonstrations that they start. Despite this marked the inner circle of more uncertainty and group sex than determination and morale. When the police forcing them to go underground, and the mysterious Suzuki joins, starts the internal tensions in the group take over.
Season of Terror
Lighting Technician
From an apartment belonging to a single woman, two detectives spy on sex-obsessed radical.
Naked Bullet
Lighting Design
A girl becomes a pawn in the game between two rival gangs gangster.
Student Guerrilla
Lighting Technician
Three high school girls about to take their final exam, secretly plan to ruin the diploma ceremony in order to avenge themselves of that school which treated them as delinquents. Two classmates who discovered their plan decide to join the rebellion. They steal all the graduation certificates, use their charms to get weapons from Jieitai soldiers and establish their base in the mountain.
Running in Madness, Dying in Love
During clashes between demonstrators and police that rage on the streets of Tokyo, a young man hides in the house of his brother - a police officer. The latter is accidentally shot by his wife, which forces the young man to flee with her.
Running in Madness, Dying in Love
Lighting Technician
During clashes between demonstrators and police that rage on the streets of Tokyo, a young man hides in the house of his brother - a police officer. The latter is accidentally shot by his wife, which forces the young man to flee with her.
Dark Story of a Sex Crime: Phantom Killer
Lighting Technician
An highschool student who doesn't manage to sleep with girls decides to rely on rape.
Sensual Game
A masterpiece of militant cinema of 1968, filmed on the actual barricades of Adachi's very own Nihon University during the period of social struggles. The film begins in a lengthy free-love session taking the form of a 'play' rape being enacted by a group of aimless, listless and political apathetic students. The subtext intended by Adachi informs the rest of the film – that there is a world of difference between direct action politics, and merely talking the talk.
The Pistol That Sprouted Hair
Lighting Technician
Shirō raids the office of the organization that attacked his lover, wreaking havoc and escaping with a stolen handgun. In retaliation, the organization hires two killers to get rid of Shirō. The duo begin to develop a strange kinship with their target...
Nikutai no yokkyu
Lighting Technician
Pinku from 1968
Sex Crimes
Lighting Technician
Young slacker couple accidentially kills a friend. They burn his body and hang out on a beach.
Vagabond of Sex
Lighting Technician
A man leaves his family in Tokyo to travel and engage in various sexual escapades. When he returns home he finds out that his wife is starring in Imamura’s documentary about her search for her missing husband.
Abnormal Blood
Lighting Artist
A detective investigating a serial rapist discovers that he and the perpetrator come from the same lineage of depraved individuals, a genealogy of violent and sexually perverse deviants that stretches through the Meiji, Taisho and Showa eras and can even be traced back to the Edo era.
Violence in the Net
Lighting Technician
A violently erotic drama taking place in a fishing village.
Violated Angels
Lighting Technician
A young man breaks into a nurse's rooming house and one-by-one kills off nurses.
Birth Control Revolution
Lighting Technician
The insane gynecologist, Dr. Marukido Sadao (Marquis de Sade), theorizes that a woman is unable to become pregnant if she is writhing in intense pain during intercourse. He sets about testing this new method of birth control by torturing women during sex.
The Orgy
Lighting Director
A hitman focuses on his job hoping to retire quickly and richly. But the betrayal of his clan and those he loves endangers his plan.
Season of Betrayal
Lighting Technician
A press photographer returns to Japan from the war in Vietnam after losing his friend and fellow photographer on the battlefield.
Lighting Technician
A gynecologist attempts to rid the world of sexual problems by separating sex on the one hand and reproduction, which he feels should be left to artificial wombs.
The Love Robots
Lighting Director
In this bizarre world of distorted human pleasures, we have come to accept the most heinous crimes against mankind as just another example of the degeneration of our species. Even the most jaded individual could not forgive the creators of the Love Robots. Love Robots are beautiful young girls, abducted right off the street who, through a procedure that rivals anything the Marquis de Sade might have dreamt of, are turned into monsters, capable of killing a man or loving him on command.
El embrión es un cazador furtivo
Lighting Technician
Un hombre mantiene atada a su novia adolescente en un apartamento para torturarla sin piedad. Ella está desnuda, atada por toda una serie de cuerdas, mientras su secuestrador le lava el pelo, la maquilla y proyecta en ella sus miedos. Mientras, la mujer planea escapar y llevar a cabo su venganza.
Torn Love Affair
Lighting Director
Pinku from 1966
Blood Is Redder Than the Sun
Lighting Technician
A high school student preparing for his university entrance exams is discontent with various social inequities and is determined to take vengeance on all adults.
Blood of Lust Is Dripping
Lighting Technician
A man who was once a student activist marries the daughter of the head of a big trust company. He uses his position as an elite salaryman to do whatever he pleases. However, a shadow from his past starts to creep into his life...
Ecstasy of Wickedness
Lighting Technician
Pinku directed by Kôji Wakamatsu.
Savage Women
Lighting Technician
Second Pink film by Wakamatsu
Sweet Trap
Lighting Technician
An office worker who dreams of a peaceful happiness with her boyfriend is forced into prostitution by yakuza.