Masao Ôsumi


The Homeless
Sound Recordist
The Homeless is a picaresque tale in the truest sense of the word. Two inmates are simultaneously released from jail, but go their separate ways, only to cross paths again in the nearest brothel. There they make the acquaintance of a would-be prostitute with a childlike mind and serious problems with the yakuza. They help her escape from the mob-infested cathouse and decide to guide her on her quest for sunken contraband somewhere off the coast, whose location only she knows, but which the yakuza are very eager to learn about. It is a remake of the French film The Last Adventure (1967).
La conspiración de Zatoichi
Vigésimo quinta de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. Después de más de veinte años, Zatoichi regresa a su pueblo natal donde conocerá a una hermanastra. Por otro lado, un viejo amigo de la infancia, se está aprovechando de los granjeros del pueblo para enriquecerse. Una vez más Zatoichi tratará de imponer la justicia con sus propios medios.
Hanzo the Razor: Sword of Justice
Sound Recordist
Hanzo es un detective de Edo con muy mal carácter que vive para impartir justicia. El más duro samurai del Japón y sus dos ayudantes, criminales rehabilitados a su servicio, no se paran ante nada ni nadie. Su técnica es única; llegando a partir pedruscos con la mano o ser maestro en varias armas, domina el interrogatorio como nadie, donde no duda en torturar a quien no le dé información. Hanzo se reune con sus compañeros policías ante sus jefes para prestar el juramento anual de su cargo como detective. Ningún año se ha presentado. Siempre da una excusa pero esta vez decide explicarse, la corrupción que ve no le permite estampar su firma. La ley sólo protege a los comerciantes y samurais; no trata a todos por igual, la gente humilde no tiene protección, pero Hanzo va a cambiar eso. Para él todos son iguales para la justicia.
Zatoichi desesperado
Vigésimo cuarta de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. Zatoichi se cruza en un inestable puente con una señora mayor, que cae al vacío justo delante de Zatoichi. Este hecho marca profundamente a Zatoichi creando en él un sentimiento de culpabilidad que le lleva a buscar a su hija para compensarla.
Sound Recordist
A detective is charged with investigating a bank corruption scandal.
Zatoichi va a la fiesta del fuego
Sound Engineer
Vigésimo primera de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. Zatoichi se enamora de una mujer de una familia que pertenece a un clan yakuza cuyo cabecilla es Dark Lord Yamikubo, un hombre ciego malvado que no dudará en llevar a cabo sus propósitos a cualquier precio. Por otro lado, el antiguo marido de la mujer que ama Zatoichi, un ronin muy celoso interpretado por Tatsuya Nakadai, decide acabar con Zatoichi ya que no soporta pensar en que ambos dos puedan llegar a estar juntos.
Sleepy Eyes Of Death 14: Fylfot Swordplay
Sound Recordist
Getting an opportunity to meet with another half-Caucasian swordsman, Kyoshiro finds himself involved in a series of dangerous encounters.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 13: The Full Moon Swordsman
Sound Director
Inspector General Kanjuro Sano conspires with the future shogun twin brother. They replace Ieyoshi Tokugawa with his twin, but it becomes a problem when suspicion arises and Nemuri Kyoshiro gets involved.
Sound Recordist
Un ronin busca desesperadamente una salida a los problemas financieros; se alía con el clan Tosa bajo el despiadado líder Takechi, quien rápidamente se aprovecha.
Sworn Brothers
Sound Recordist
Ichikawa Raizo’s last film. He plays a Yakuza enforcer who kills a man on his boss's orders. He’s then sent to a provincial town to lie low, only to be caught in another war orchestrated by his original boss who has set him up.
Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare
Sound Recordist
Segunda parte de la reconocida "Yokai Monsters" rodada en el mismo año. En 2005 tuvo un remake dirigido por Takashi Miike.
The Two Bodyguard
Sound Recordist
Film directed by Kenji Misumi
La esposa del Dr. Hanaoka
Sound Recordist
A fines del período Edo, el doctor Seishu Hanaoka (1760-1835) se transforma en el primer médico en realizar una operación mediante el uso de anestesia general. La esposa y la madre del médico se convierten en rivales en la búsqueda de su afecto a punto tal de servir como conejillos de indias en sus experimentos.
Bad Reputation: The Notorious Man of Legend
Zatoichi's Cane Sword
Zatoichi comes upon the town of Tonda, overrun by gangsters. Using one of his favorite techniques, Zatoichi proceeds to win 8 ryo in a rigged gambling game. Of course, the local gangsters attempt to kill him, and the adventure begins. It turns out a blacksmith named Senzo examines Zatoichi's cane sword, and discovers it to be forged by his old mentor. Senzo discovers the sword is at the end of its usefulness and will break when it is used next.
Daimajin, contraataque del dios diabólico
Sound Recordist
En el siglo XIV, Mikoshiba Danjou invade dos ciudades, Chigusa y Nagoshi. Danjou destruye la estatua de su dios, venerado por la gente de las dos ciudades. Danjou también trata de crucificar a Sayuri, una princesa de Nagoshi y a Tokisada, un príncipe de Chigusa, que están enamorados. Cuando Sayuri reza una plegaria a sus dios, la estatua vuelve a la vida.
Dynamite Doctor
Film by director Kenji Misumi
En desacuerdo con sus padres, Otsuya huye de su hogar para refugiarse en los brazos de Gonji, quien termina vendiéndola en una casa de geishas. Allí, un maestro del tatuaje dibuja sobre su hermoso cuerpo una inmensa araña. Como si el espíritu del insecto tomara posesión de la joven, el deseo irreprimible de venganza se transforma en el centro de su vida. Como la viuda negra tatuada en su espalda, Otsuya arruina la vida de todo hombre que se cruce en su camino.
Gamera, El mundo bajo el terror
Sound Recordist
Una explosión nuclear en el Ártico despierta a Gamera, una tortuga prehistórica gigante. Las autoridades y los científicos no saben cómo hacerle frente, mientras tanto el monstruo va destrozando todo lo que aparece a su paso. Sin embargo, Toshio, un niño con un don especial para tratar con las tortugas, parece ofrecer algunas claves para afrontar la crisis.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 5: Sword of Fire
Fifth film in the series. When Kyoshiro, in a moment of weakness, saves the life of a woman being attacked on the road, he quickly finds himself entangled in a conspiracy involving a corrupt chamberlain, a wily merchant, the survivors of a pirate gang, and a missing treasure trove.
Destiny's Son
The son of an executioner and the assassin he loved yet murdered learns of his origins, leaving his foster parents to avenge his mother's death.
The Broken Commandment
Sound Recordist
Ushimatsu's father told him never to reveal his lower-caste heritage; years later, he now contemplates confiding in an activist fighting against such discrimination.
The Temple of Wild Geese
Sound Recordist
Satoko is a mistress by trade or fate: when her master, the silkscreen artist of the Kohoan Temple in Kyoto, dies, she is given to the temple's lascivious head priest Kikuchi. She is drawn to a melancholy young acolyte, Jinen, who has observed the profligacy of his cruel master and Satoko's utter dependence on the man. Jinen is both fascinated and disturbed by Satoko's interest in him; he is similarly caught between loathing of Kikuchi and of the dark circumstances of his birth and his own moral weakness. The story unfolds in a dreamlike manner—a flashback inspired by a now-infamous image on a silkscreen in the souvenir shop at the so-called Temple of the Wild Geese.
Satan's Sword II: The Dragon God
Sound Recordist
El asesino Tsuke Ryunosuke conoce a una mujer que se parece a su esposa asesinada Hama, y ​​juntos tratar de evitar la venganza que buscan su hermano menor, Utsuki Hyoma de los Shinsengumi. Muchas figuras históricas se encuentran en esta película y supuestamente el carácter de Ryunosuke se basó en una persona de la vida real. Esta es la segunda de la trilogía.
風来物語 あばれ飛車
Sound Recordist
Sound Recordist
Kikuji is the scion of an Osaka merchant family whose traditional power is matrilineal. Instructed by his overbearing mother and grandmother to give them an heiress for the family business, he stands by helplessly as his wife is thrown out of the house for producing a son. Driven to a life of dissipation - his mistresses also fail to produce daughters - in the end he is just too tired to care.
Princess Sen in Edo
Sound Recordist
A gorgeous tragic love picture scroll depicting a beautiful woman who weeps over her strange fate and falters in her search for true love!
Sound Recordist
Sound Recordist
Adaptación de la novela de Yukio Mishima "El pabellón de oro", a través de diálogos y flashbacks controlados se cuenta la historia de un novicio budista que llegará a destruir lo que más ama: el pabellón.
The Loyal 47 Ronin
Sound Recordist
Japan, 1701. A group of samurai become rônin after their lord is forced to commit seppuku for assaulting a court official, who will become the target of a merciless revenge.
Secret of Naruto
Sound Recordist
From the pen of Yoshikawa Eiji comes this exciting story. The Naruto Strait separates Tokushima from the islands of Awaji and Honshu. On Tokushima the mad lord dreams of conquest and forges a bloody revolt against the Tokugawa shogunate. A mysterious swordsman named Noriyuki Gennojo has crossed Naruto’s waters to uncover the Awa clan’s secrets. He puts his life on the line after finding a testament of Awa’s secrets, written in blood by a dying man. Joining Noriyuki are a female ninja who loves him, and the beautiful daughter of an enemy who’s sworn to kill him. Awa’s defenders willl stop at nothing to prevent the blood-soaked letter from reaching the shogun.
Fighting Letter for 29 People
Sisters of Gion
Sound Recordist
Sazen Tange: The Monkey Pot
A Japanese drama featuring the one-eyed, one-armed swordsman
Terrible Ghost Cat of Okazaki
Sound Recordist
The Lord of Okazaki is killed by his brother-in-law. Although the Lord's widow bears a child, she is also killed. Then, a ghost cat begins stalking in the castle.
The Tale of Genji
Sound Recordist
Genji, the illegitimate offspring of a Japanese potentate, goes by the philosophy of "love 'em and leave 'em" as a matter of course. Only when his heart is broken by Awaji does Genji realizes how much pain he himself has caused.
Clothes of Deception
Sound Recordist
Clothes of Deception initiated Yoshimura’s most characteristic vein. This geisha story is often described as a loose remake of Mizoguchi’s pre-war masterpiece Sisters of Gion (1936), but this is inexact. Whereas in Mizoguchi’s study of two sisters, both women had been geisha, in Yoshimura’s film only Kimicho (Kyo Machiko) is, while her sister works in the Kyoto tourist office. Juxtaposing a traditional Kyoto profession with a modern one, Yoshimura shows how life in the old capital was changing in the wake of wider transformations in Japanese society.