Shintaro Ando has become Noble Dori after various confrontations. Now, the noble group, who are led by Shintaro Ando, has battles over the title of Legend ("Densetsu") against the prince group, who are led by Kanade Suzaku.
Dos miembros de S.W.O.R.D ganan contra Wangan Rengogun, que es conducido por Kohaku. Sin embargo, aparecen las bandas más brutales. Las pandillas son Doubt, dirigido por Ranmaru Hayashi, y Prison Gang, dirigido por Jesse. Estas pandillas intentan dominar el área controlada por SWORD. Finalmente, Doubt, con la ayuda de Prison Gang, desafía a White Rascals a luchar.
Toji Seryo es un popular estudiante de primer año que acepta salir con cualquiera que le confiese su afecto un lunes, pero romperá con esa persona el domingo. Yuzuru Shino, un estudiante de tercer año, se interesa por Toji y, medio en broma, le pide salir. Toji acepta...
Fifteenth film in this violent action series about young outlaws. Passionately depicts the power plays amongst loan sharks captivated by money, with the villain from the previous film GACHI-BAN WORST MAX as the protagonist. The lead is played by Arai Atsushi of the idol actor's group D2. Reo (Arai) lost out to roving delinquent Hayato (Kubota Masataka), but continues with modeling and loan sharking. He rakes in the cash with devotee and underling Shinai (Sato Hisanori), but before long they catch the attention of the mob.
Fourteenth instillation in this violent action series about a delinquent youth. A straight-shooting ruffian lets his anger loose at the vileness of a young loan shark. Directed by Motoki Takashi, who has handled numerous films in the series. Hayato (Kubota Masataka), who has earned respect for his fighting prowess at a sketchy modeling agency, starts working as bodyguard for the charismatic delinquent-style model Reo (Arai Atsushi). But, Reo has a dark side of running a loan shark operation, and brutally calls in loans by making female debtors sell their bodies.